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B.C. VIEWS: No time for maps in this rush to a referendum

B.C. VIEWS: No time for maps in this rush to a referendum

Made-up electoral systems pushed out for Green Party deadline
DAVID SUZUKI: Marine protection can’t be watered down

DAVID SUZUKI: Marine protection can’t be watered down

Environmental columnist warns against the dangers of neglecting protection of our oceans
OPINION: Trudeau’s media snub in the Fraser Valley

OPINION: Trudeau’s media snub in the Fraser Valley

Shouldn’t the PM be obliged to speak to members of a community he visits, at least via the media?
EDITORIAL: BC SPCA’s horse and carriage recommendations seem extreme

EDITORIAL: BC SPCA’s horse and carriage recommendations seem extreme

Other options available rather than a blanket removal from Inner Harbour areas
ZYTARUK: Keeping homicide victims’ names from public a disturbing trend

ZYTARUK: Keeping homicide victims’ names from public a disturbing trend

Not revealing the identities of homicide victims is bad public policy, and here’s why
EDITORIAL: Minority rules in our colourful culture

EDITORIAL: Minority rules in our colourful culture

Quibbles over symbolic rainbow crossings belie critics’ genuine concerns
Another side to reality based police situations: letter writer

Another side to reality based police situations: letter writer

News should cover incidents from the viewpoint of those arrested
Affordability clearly not part of the housing equation in Victoria

Affordability clearly not part of the housing equation in Victoria

Resident says new developments continue to leave lower income residents out of the mix
Market capitalism a main driver of income inequality, reader writes

Market capitalism a main driver of income inequality, reader writes

Columnist Tom Fletcher logic seems backwards on anti-poverty actions
B.C. VIEWS: Justin Trudeau left himself no choice on pipeline

B.C. VIEWS: Justin Trudeau left himself no choice on pipeline

Federal Liberals undermined National Energy Board, then realized the cost