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EDITORIAL: Publicizing hate actions painful for the media

EDITORIAL: Publicizing hate actions painful for the media

Targeting of local synagogues and others in Canada with hate mail a vulgar, bigoted act
Messing with Dallas Road is sacrilege for Victorians

Messing with Dallas Road is sacrilege for Victorians

Area resident sees the Clover Point/Dallas Road bikeway plan as an election issue in 2018
LETTER: Reader lets imagination run wild

LETTER: Reader lets imagination run wild

Imagine if the NDP politicians were actually marionettes and were bought by BC Hydro. All of the politicians’ campaign debts could be paid for by BC Hydro and re-election would be guaranteed.
LETTER: Developers know the rules

LETTER: Developers know the rules

Councillor Peter Wainwright did the right thing by focusing our attention on the proposed development on Beacon at 4th.
Editorial: Winter is here, take the time to drive safe

Editorial: Winter is here, take the time to drive safe

Arrive alive by taking all precautions
Council’s fiscal credibility could sink Crystal Pool renovation

Council’s fiscal credibility could sink Crystal Pool renovation

Victoria projects going over budget have left taxpayers without faith
B.C. politics leaves bad taste in Victoria voters’ mouth

B.C. politics leaves bad taste in Victoria voters’ mouth

Current electoral system needs a shakeup to break voter apathy
MAYOR’S MESSAGE: Holidays a time to come together in Esquimalt

MAYOR’S MESSAGE: Holidays a time to come together in Esquimalt

Barb Desjardins offers Christmastime options from the Township
MP Report: Looking forward to 2018

MP Report: Looking forward to 2018

By Murray Rankin
B.C. VIEWS: 2017 is the year of the B.C. Green Party

B.C. VIEWS: 2017 is the year of the B.C. Green Party

Andrew Weaver’s shifting priorities shape politics for 2018