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A puzzling gap

Each summer, Royal B.C. Museum biologists make collections to understand the distribution of plants and animals in British Columbia.

LETTER: Canada has duty to help Libya rebuild

The budget didn’t mention aid to help save the lives of refugees fleeing by sea from Libya

LETTER: City would be wise not to fast-track projects

City council should read a book written by Donald Trump before they proceed with any more costly projects.

LETTER: Government spying is out of control

I encourage each and every Canadian to learn more about our right to privacy

EDITORIAL: Disaster prep 101

During an emergency, you and your family could be on your own for an extended period of time

LETTER: Politicians stick snouts into the trough

The minute they are in for a four-year contract, they want more money

LETTER: Charge homeless for stolen grocery buggies

Cities like Melbourne, Auckland and Wellington do not have these problems

Chinese book of prophecies says: 'Get out of town.'

'This coincidental cosmic collision of rejection and opportunity had me in a state of stunned amazement'
Coast Guard hysteria sinks lower

Coast Guard hysteria sinks lower

First it was the Kitsilano search and rescue station, and now Unifor is targeting an upgrade to the West Coast ship tracking system

Highrock Park a natural jewel

One of the oldest parks in the township is Transfer Woods, renamed Highrock Park (also known as Cairn Park