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A brief history of teacher demands

A brief history of teacher demands

Some of the BCTF's latest demands are thinly veiled pay increases, such as removing the bottom two steps of the pay grid

LETTER: Lessons learned from historical poor treatment of immigrants

We have since grown and are now aware of how terrible we had treated our fellow humans and regret it deeply

OAK BAY opinion: OCP anchored by community says mayor

Council considers our responsibility to serve the citizens of Oak Bay a privilege

LETTER: Global education needs attention, too

The Global Partnership for Education (GPE) has successfully supported education for 22 million children in conflict-affected countries

LETTER: Aboriginal groups will have final say on Enbridge Northern Gateway pipeline project

Only way for Northern Gateway to be a safe pipeline is with transparency, trust, co-operation and investment among all stakeholders

EDITORIAL: Hartland landfill more than a dump

Editorial on the positive aspects of the Capital Regional District's solid waste management operations

PAUL BECKOW: Marriage; a laboratory for personal growth and learning

Receiving counselling is a good way to work on issues

GUEST VIEW: Training a teacher for Tour

Tour de Rock special guest rider, Reynolds vice-principal Dean Norris-Jones, shares his experience on the Cops for Cancer team

PENINSULA letter: Debate is essential

Councillor Kenny Podmore should realize that political debate is essential to the health and well-being of Sidney.

OAK BAY letter: Approach progress with creativity

One could take issue with the veracity of much of Mr. Mears malevolent missive (New OCP may be a developer’s dream, letters, June 6)