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HELEN LANG: Dreaming of a spring garden

In just over a week now it will be February and February has Valentine’s Day to brighten its dull weather

Don’t protect menace

This grossly overgrown specimen should not come under the protection bylaw.

EDITORIAL: Poverty reduction not political fodder

Provincial, federal opposition members must work harder to make change

Certain dogs are bred for aggression

Calling pitbulls, Rottweilers and Dobermans loving breeds doesn't make sense

At what price waterfront development in Sidney?

I hope the Town doesn’t blink because this development proposal does nothing to nurture tourism and jobs and economic development

RITE plan wrong way to go

The financial and social costs, and the radical re-engineering of old neighbourhoods, are not factored in.

Wireless reform a dropped call

Some of your correspondents have rightfully chastised the media for buying into the propaganda game

Find the best way for Beacon

It is wonderful that so many folks have been engaged in the conversation about a vision for our downtown street

Taxes could be better spent

Culling deer is not the answer.

Private tennis courts not for public land

We are talking here about public land, owned by the municipality, and therefore by all citizens of Saanich.