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A hopeless BC politics wish list for 2014

A hopeless BC politics wish list for 2014

Here are a few things I’d like to see in B.C. political life in the coming year, but won’t

Off leash dogs lead to bystander injury

I never thought I would be writing a letter on dogs off leash, but an incident on Dec. 4 changed my mind.
Here’s B.C.'s big political idea of 2013

Here’s B.C.'s big political idea of 2013

Profit sharing approach to labour relations comes to the public sector, and confrontation may be on the way out

Clover trap for deer an inhumane solution

Anyone familiar with the Clover trap method will know that the deer are under a lot of stress

Sandown an opportunity

With the average age of farmers at 56 years, we need more farmers and we have to find creative ways to give young farmers access to land

PETER DOLEZAL: Canadian seniors facing increasing poverty levels

Canada needs a nation-wide program on financial literacy

Check real science, not the Internet

In a previous letter I gave one example of hard data to indicate that there is peer reviewed science to support increased temperatures

Get out and walk

It would seem that Canada Post has deemed it necessary to go to great lengths to try to cut its mail delivery costs

Belmont column: An exchange view of our Island

Angela Zhou is an exchange student attending Belmont secondary school.
Post-Christmas: Today I Woke Up, And It Was the 27th

Post-Christmas: Today I Woke Up, And It Was the 27th

Christmas Eve and Christmas Day are basically one. Boxing Day is a crater. And the 27th... the last gasp before the world is normal again.