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Cedar Hill Park users deserve more

Saanich resident looking for biggest bang for municipal tax buck

Labour-saving machines bound to create noise

Reader would rather take advantage of technology and suffer through volume

Replace B.C. utilities watchdog

B.C. Utilities Commission becoming a lapdog for B.C. government

Broaden the benefit for Saanich park users

Play park for young children would benefit more in community around Cedar Hill Park

Change in ferry revenue is just a smokescreen

Losing B.C. government subsidies will leave Ferries with less savings than first appears

Attack on the ALR

MLA weighs in on proposal being considered by the Liberal government to gut ALR and ALC

EDITORIAL: Streamlining the process

The District of North Saanich is considering significant changes to its development permit bylaw

Paper seduced by crass commercialism

Reader disapproves of title of the Peninsula News Review's Holiday Songbook

Bird feeding ban goes too far

I am sure that the town has what it deems as good reasons for enacting this bylaw, but it seems like over-reacting to innocuous behaviour

HELEN LANG: Hundreds of bulbs finally find a home for winter

This was something that has been worrying me for at least a month — bulbs still in bags, patiently waiting for attention