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Beacon is fine, move on to roundabouts

Please remember why Beacon Avenue was changed to be partly one-way: to make Sidney more pedestrian friendly

Sandown deal was pure luck

There is no doubt that the current Sandown deal is better for North Saanich

Sidney not set up for a pedestrian mall

Sidney doesn’t even meet the criteria for a successful mainstreet-only pedestrian area

Rats an unseen problem

I am increasingly disturbed by the potential disaster that Foundation Organics’ operation poses for their near neighbours

OUR VIEW: Two towns, two reactions

A proposal for a new housing development in Sidney is showing off all the ways Sidney and North Saanich are different

Piping sewage sludge to Hartland irresponsible

CRD needs to look at other options for biosolids centre

Fence idea wrong

We have just opened the Oak Bay News and were shocked at the headline.

Hartland biosolids centre solution leaves a bad taste

Reader questions whether provincial and federal funding will come for sewage project

Enforcement will solve dog issues

Re: Oak Bay to consider new off-leash area (News Oct. 16).

Don’t spend Oak Bay tax dollars on indulgences

Re: Oak Bay to consider new off-leash area (News Oct. 16).