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Transit should heed sought-after input

If our government does not subsidize transit, what we need cannot be provided.

Leash revenues

All you nice people who enjoy John Dean Park like we do, be warned

HELEN LANG: The chill in the air means it’s autumn

There is a definite chill in the air in the early mornings now and mist on the open windows

Councillors saved us

Thank you Councillors Brown, Daly, McBride and Mearns for saving North Saanich three quarters of a million dollars

OUR VIEW: A hard road ahead for STIG

Changing the direction of traffic on a portion of Sidney’s Beacon Avenue is going to be a hard sell

Arena name should reflect community

Re. Rebranding your arena (News, Oct. 4) I personally am not in favour of corporate sponsors getting to have their name for an arena.

Throttle Therapy: Motorcycle decorations need not be boo-ring

Britt Santowski is the motorcycle columnist who offers occasional advice safe riding. Santowski is a former Chief motorcycle instructor.

Threats of dispair

The B.C. Liberals appear not only to be aligned with the Federal Conservatives, but mimic the Conservatives on economic growth

Think of greater good when building sidewalks

Sidewalks should be built properly, but in the right locations

EDITORIAL: Invisibility cloaks can stay at home

Cyclists and pedestrians can help themselves stay safe with a little light or reflectivity