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PETER DOLEZAL: Exchange traded funds (ETFs) - enough choice?

ETF funds in Canada are seeing an inflow of some two billion dollars monthly in new purchases

Keep the local paper local

Please, please keep our Peninsula News Review a local and supportive paper and not an ad vehicle for the biggest box of them all

Make Beacon a pedestrian mall

It is time to look to the future as many towns in Europe have done and make Beacon Avenue a pedestrian mall

Local paper should be promoting local business

Peninsula News Review should be supporting local business

Frustrated at community paper

Reader wonders 'are you really that desperate for funds that you have to put Wal-Mart advertising on the front page of our community paper?'

We depend on our oceans

For millions of years, mankind has depended on the oceans of the blue planet, earth

Do the little things

It’s easy to brush off the urgency of the decline in our oceans’ health

Don’t add to the patch

We depend on our oceans for several different daily activities such as transportation, food, trade, business and leisure

Two-way street, please

Please change Beacon Avenue back to a two-way street

HELEN LANG: Spectacular globe artichokes

For those of you not familiar with this rather magnificent plant, it really is spectacular