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Self-righteous NDP lost election on their own

Middle of the road party wished for by Victoria writer

No sewage plant in my backyard

Viewfield Road site for biosolids plant completely inappropriate

Property value drop from placement of sewage plant worth considering in equation

Potential loss of equity could eclipse cost of sewage treatment facilities, argues reader

‘Greenest neighbourhood’ a fallacy

Gordon Head Green voters appear to not be any more environmentally active as non-Greens

EDITORIAL: Needs budget seems needless

Greater Victoria School District trustees could use their time more wisely

Guest columnist’s standing defended

Black Press owner writes to refute disparaging comments about Gwyn Morgan

JOHN DUCKER: VicPD deputy accepts challenge

Victoria faces many different challenges than suburban police forces

EDITORIAL: Elect Canada's Senate or abolish it

More fair provincial representation in Senate needed to make body relevant to Canada

Better background check was needed

Black Press column sounded like a paid ad for B.C. Liberals

Are electric vehicles the only answer?

While I applaud any move to reduce our carbon footprint I wonder if electric vehicles are the answer