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Victoria driver remains fearful of riding in traffic in the city

Keep your eyes on the road with Bike to Work Week drawing closer

EDITORIAL: Electric express grows in region

Forget the Hydrogen Highway, electric is the new trend is clean motoring

Wearing a helmet is critical for cyclists’ safety

Pining for European model does no good in North America

Enforcement the key with speed limits

Look in the right place for information before making decision
BRIAN KIERAN: Green Party needs collapse of Liberals

BRIAN KIERAN: Green Party needs collapse of Liberals

With the Liberal brand in tatters and the NDP’s potential vote maxed, the B.C. Green Party actually has a fighting chance...

B.C. Ferries top-heavy with management

Too many cooks, not enough bottle washers at Crown corporation

COLUMN: Bacteria can be both friend and foe

UVic biologist gives the lowdown on good and bad bacteria
GRANT McKENZIE: Becoming a modern man

GRANT McKENZIE: Becoming a modern man

What does it mean to be a man? It’s a question that is constantly being weighed and challenged by both sexes as expectations evolve...

EDITORIAL: Stop crapping on Esquimalt

Small municipality getting short end of sewage treatment stick

Victoria utility rate increases decried

Reader questions need for rates to increase, given other items on taxpayers' bill