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LETTER: Turf field needed in Langford

LETTER: Turf field needed in Langford

Within the last month, it has been reported that the West Shore has been experiencing an increase in youth violence. The present Langford council has an opportunity to do something positive to address this issue.
LETTER: Let staff handle North Saanich’s OCP review

LETTER: Let staff handle North Saanich’s OCP review

The decision by Modus to terminate its contract for the official community plan (OCP) review with the District of North Saanich rests squarely on the shoulders of several members of North Saanich council.
LETTER: Health-care crisis reaches a planetary scale

LETTER: Health-care crisis reaches a planetary scale

What if you were experiencing severe physical distress and running a dangerously high fever? You’d likely seek immediate medical attention. Someone might call an ambulance to get you to Emergency, stat. The ER physician examines you and says, “Your diet is killing you. Stop eating junk food. If you want to go on living, you’ve got to switch to a healthier diet.”
LETTER: Local lifestyles reliant on ocean transport

LETTER: Local lifestyles reliant on ocean transport

I can only hope the recent article about offshore freighters is a wake-up call to speed up the unloading and loading processes involved at Vancouver and Fraser ports, not to mention any on our Island.
LETTER Accessibility is not a luxury

LETTER Accessibility is not a luxury

A modest-income senior and longtime renter, I use a walker as a result of several falls and fractures on Victoria streets.
LETTER: Muddy and murky municipal tax matters

LETTER: Muddy and murky municipal tax matters

Taxpayers pay a high price for fractured governance in the Capital Region including confusing tax and utility rates.
LETTER: Hydroelectric dams decimate marine life

LETTER: Hydroelectric dams decimate marine life

I have the good fortune of living across the bay from the Trial Islands. Over the past year, I have noticed significant increase in marine activity related to the increase in the herring population. This culminated in the celebrated arrival of a large herd of California sea lions residing on the Trial Islands.
LETTER: Headline not indicative of positive changes in Langford

LETTER: Headline not indicative of positive changes in Langford

I am a longtime resident of Langford and take issue with front-page headline of “Good times gone, growing pains are here in Langford” in the March 8 Gazette. This subjective statement is a mere point of view, an assumption, and to me, actually false.
LETTER: Council’s decision on bike lanes a low-cost, high-value missed opportunity

LETTER: Council’s decision on bike lanes a low-cost, high-value missed opportunity

In his March 9 letter (Henderson bike lanes a result of negotiated compromise) Eric Zhelka speaks of a “negotiated compromise” in 2008 that produced a part-time bike lane on North Henderson – the only bike lane in the region that rolls up at night.
LETTER: In defence of Sidney town council’s consultative process

LETTER: In defence of Sidney town council’s consultative process

In a letter to the editor headlined “Council only paying lip service to public input,” published on Feb. 27, the writer expressed displeasure at Sidney council’s purported dismissal of concerns raised by property owners who objected to a housing project’s setback variance. At issue, a proposed 16-unit development on the southeast corner of Fifth Street and Malaview.