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Policing function belongs in government hands

And certain expenses on which municipalities spend money make sense

Start paying now for light-rail system

Putting money aside for an inevitable project makes sense

Reader proud about openly gay military

Hopes friend in military gets back home safely after mission

Nurse practitioners provide quality care, too

Physicians are only one part of the care equation

SUZUKI: Research shutdown part of government’s enviro-gutting

Water is an important part of the environmental cycle

Boating tragedy preventable

Cautionary tales of young people acting foolishly, and paying the price with injury or death, seem to appear every year in Greater Victoria.

Editorial: Time for fighting needs to end

Note to Esquimalt council: There’s no shame in licking your wounds.

Editorial: Labour pains not overyet

The provincial government has settled contract negotiations with all but a few public sector unions and stayed the course on net zero.

Column: Developments a good barometer

From where I live, the 84-metre high crane at the Bayview Promontory cuts through the skyline.

Homophobes still out there, writer says

A voice from the inside presents a different perspective on LGBT situation in Victoria