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Justify expense of sewage project

How about everyone, especially our candidates for election, start demanding not another penny be paid without proof. What is there to hide? Nothing?

Our View: Mixed messages deserve notice

When more than 1,000 people marched through the streets on Saturday for the Occupy Victoria movement, their malcontent might have been lost in the legion of messages their signs displayed.

Skin doctor speaks out against tanning teens

Tanning salon owners once again play on parents’ feelings so that they can make money on inducing cancer in kids.

Misunderstandings exist on topic of pesticides

There seems to be some confusion in the minds of some about the meaning of “for landscape” and “cosmetic use.”

Grow-op operators have reason to worry

The only people with a “real” concern about smart meters are grow-op operators

Canadian troops should stay at home

DND should be a defence department as it is named, not a war department

Bridge’s yo-yo costs leaves taxpayer uncomfortable

I join other Victoria taxpayers who are among the “very skeptical” about the Johnson Street Bridge project.
Sign treaties, or ‘shut ’er down’

Sign treaties, or ‘shut ’er down’

Finally, somebody in the B.C. treaty negotiation system has come out and said it. Ottawa needs to get serious.

Arrogance is no substitute for ignorance

Tom Fletcher's tirade on smart meters has no basis in science

Technology has become more important than art

Steve Jobs' fame shows what we value most these days