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Our View: Navy returns to royal roots

As the home of Canada’s Pacific Fleet, we’re happy that we can officially call the Royal Canadian Navy just that. On Tuesday, the federal government announced it had given up on a decades-old decision and would restore the traditional names of the three distinct elements within the Canadian Forces.

Take a little off the top of pesky bird population

Seagulls, crows poop-bombing Victoria

Electrical use could rise with smart meters

smart meters Victoria

Fletcher column reveals party’s flip-flop

B.C. Green Party, Elizabeth May, smart meters, B.C. Hydro

Parking meters irritate driver

Downtown Victoria parking meters are a cash grab

Our View: Oversight plan could work here

Last week’s announcement that the province would create a municipal auditor general department is good news for taxpayers around the province. Any move to make our public bodies more accountable, even at the civic level, is a way to help ensure that they follow a closer path to the private sector when it comes to keeping expenses in check.

Deer not the problem – ticks carry disease

Deer carry ticks, which could carry lyme disease

Two destructive regimes, two differing reactions to ships

Esmeralda and Pallada got very different reactions from Victoria residents

High hopes for harbour CEO from James Bay

Harbour Authority could work to reduce emissions in James Bay

Raised bridge span a symbolic gesture

Johnson St. Bridge evokes the middle finger