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Esquimalt shares weight of region’s woes

Taxes, construction, cost-sharing

Senate page’s removal mocks democracy

Brigette DePape, Canadian Senate, Stephen Harper, rights

Our View: Finger pointing on deer pointless

Deer overpopulation is a problem that has been brewing for decades in the Capital Region. For most of those years, we have, as predominantly urban-dwelling individuals and families, thrilled at opportunities to see nature up close and personal.
B.C. VIEWS: Asia-Pacific project marches on

B.C. VIEWS: Asia-Pacific project marches on

After meeting with Prime Minister Stephen Harper, Premier Christy Clark delivered a luncheon speech to the Economic Club of Toronto. Her big talking point was the rise of the Asia-Pacific region.

Organized labour detracts from democracy

Unions in B.C.

Our View: Riot politics cloud policy decisions

Just because something makes good politics doesn’t necessarily make it good policy. Less than a week after a moronic mob engaged in a well-documented rampage through the streets of Vancouver, a lot more normally sane people have made some puzzling decisions.

Options available for making HST more palatable to B.C.ers


Canada following U.S.’s lead in overseas missions

Canadian military in Afghanistan

More unions, not fewer, needed today

Unions in B.C.

Kyle Slavin: Death's shades of grey

When I read that Jack Kevorkian died a couple weeks back, my immediate reaction was, “Good riddance.” I quickly realized that was far from what I truly felt. My initial response stemmed from what I remember overhearing about Kevorkian as an impressionable child.