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Victoria renter discovers neighbours ‘drunkenly’ partying in her unit – and stealing - after landlord gave them a key

Victoria renter discovers neighbours ‘drunkenly’ partying in her unit – and stealing - after landlord gave them a key

This local tenant set up a hidden camera when she went out
FINLAYSON: 2023 could be one of the weakest years for B.C. home sales in two decades

FINLAYSON: 2023 could be one of the weakest years for B.C. home sales in two decades

Despite market volatility, the long-term fundamentals for housing in B.C. remain attractive
Opinion: A giant branch crashed into a Victoria house but the city forced him to sue for damages

Opinion: A giant branch crashed into a Victoria house but the city forced him to sue for damages

Victoria resident warned the city their tree was a ‘hazard’
Opinion: An Asian supermarket giant announced its first Victoria store. People responded with racist garbage

Opinion: An Asian supermarket giant announced its first Victoria store. People responded with racist garbage

Flurry of digusting comments posted on social media
LETTER: Renters shouldn’t be left at the mercy of landlords

LETTER: Renters shouldn’t be left at the mercy of landlords

The major driver of the rental affordability crisis in B.C. is the fact that our residential tenancy laws allow landlords to jack up rents to outrageous levels between tenants.
LETTER: Loss of bank a devastating blow

LETTER: Loss of bank a devastating blow

In regards to the only bank in Esquimalt closing down, I do not live in Esquimalt but if I did I would be very upset to have this happen.
LETTER: Lots of luck locating a lovely loo

LETTER: Lots of luck locating a lovely loo

Residents are wondering why most city washrooms are substandard and in shambles and now need $13-14 million in upgrades and renovations.
LETTER: Dogs running amok at once idyllic locations

LETTER: Dogs running amok at once idyllic locations

It’s hard to know where to begin unpacking the twisted logic and special pleading in Mark Hawkes’ letter (“Dog Owners shouldn’t be scapegoat for problems in parks” Saanich News, Jan 11). I am often in our various parks and wilderness areas, and the things I regularly witness with off-leash dogs is astounding.
LETTER: Investors the beneficiaries of strata rental restrictions

LETTER: Investors the beneficiaries of strata rental restrictions

Premier David Eby’s Bill 44 which overrode strata corporations’ rental restrictions was conceived with apparently no consultation with any strata groups. This has led to many letters to the editor by concerned strata homeowners.
BODGER: Blue Monday is bogus, stop looking for reasons to be sad

BODGER: Blue Monday is bogus, stop looking for reasons to be sad

There’s no evidence one day should be the saddest compared to any other