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Victoria film screening a fundraiser for Conquer Cancer ride

Victoria film screening a fundraiser for Conquer Cancer ride

Team Spaghetti Factory hosting IMAX Tour de France cycling film Saturday
Everything is just ducky

Everything is just ducky

Oak Bay High School Enviromental Club held their 15th annual Rubber Duckie race in Bowker Creek.

Lyme disaease awareness boosted with Victoria events

Free film screening, rally at legislature support cause

Greater Victoria heritage preservationists mark anniversary with awards gala

Anniversary of non-profit organization kicks off a year of celebrating our built heritage

Greater Victoria charity loses fundraiser vessel

Boys and Girls Clubs hoping for last-minute angel to save annual event

UPDATE: Victoria's Boys and Girls Clubs annual fundraiser saved

Greater Victoria charity gala fundraiser moves to CFB Esquimalt after planned boat cruise goes awry

Lecture centres around Sea King helicopter

A lecture on the Canadian Navy’s Sea King helicopter will be presented at the Maritime Museum of B.C. on May 8

Youth choir hosts spring concert

Youth Choir 61, the Victoria school district honour choir, hosts its annual spring concert May 4
We Are Creatively United

We Are Creatively United

Creatively United for the Planet Festival was held at St Ann's Academy kicking off Earth Week in Victoria.

Marine garage sale at Victoria's Ogden Point

Find everything and anything with a nautical flair