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Eight youth earn Duke of Edinburgh's Awards

Awards given to deserving youth for community service.

Menopausal information available at clinics

Clinics being offered next week at London Drugs pharmacies in Greater Victoria

Royal B.C. Musem offers night in Antarctica

After the museum closes, families set up camp in the Race to the End of the Earth exhibition and then prepare for an activity-filled evening

Victoria seniors invited to free events

The Victorian at McKenzie is opening its doors in June to honour fathers

Garden party celebrates coronation

Point Ellice House event is a fundraiser for restoration of heritage garden

Candlelight tradition preserves history

Esquimalt's God’s Acre ceremony reaches back to the 1860s

Tours offered at Victoria synagogue

Historical tours part of celebration of Congregation Emanu-El's 150 years in the city

Operation Trackshoes needs volunteers for UVic event

Sporting festival allows developmentally disabled individuals to compete

Croquet takes over Victoria lawn bowling green

Annual tournament behind the Crystal Garden is open to the public
Glenlyon Norfolk celebrates centennial in Victoria, Oak Bay

Glenlyon Norfolk celebrates centennial in Victoria, Oak Bay

Sports and arts events involve school alumni, current students