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LETTER: Summers at Willows better without dogs

LETTER: Summers at Willows better without dogs

We frequent Willows Beach year-round and quite enjoy seeing the dogs tearing around having a great time in the winter months. But we are happy to be able to enjoy the beach in the warmer months without having to put up with all that comes with having dogs share the beach.
LETTER: Pickleball’s popularity warrants its own courts

LETTER: Pickleball’s popularity warrants its own courts

I am addressing you as someone who enjoys playing both tennis and pickleball equally well. Thus, I can see the current debate from both sides of the net, so to speak.
LETTER: Development can build a better community in Saanich

LETTER: Development can build a better community in Saanich

I think we need to balance a lot of the coverage in the Saanich News lately about residents voicing ‘their concerns’ over development in the municipality, with the many of us who are supportive of some more density.
LETTER: Words alone won’t bring reconciliation

LETTER: Words alone won’t bring reconciliation

A heartfelt editorial in Vic News about the history of the Kamloops Residential school is welcome but it’s not enough. Forensic evidence uncovered on the school grounds forces us to confront the hardest part: unpacking the hard history of all the residential schools and their own evidence. Are we up to that long, difficult slog up the hill to real truth and reconciliation? We shall see.
LETTER: Victoria’s new bike corridors not making cycling safer

LETTER: Victoria’s new bike corridors not making cycling safer

I am a cyclist who rides approx 100 km per week. I also walk to work. Our family owns one vehicle that we use when necessary. I support infrastructure that makes cycling safer and increases use of sustainable transportation options.
LETTER: Changing names won’t bring reconciliation

LETTER: Changing names won’t bring reconciliation

This is in response to the article titled, “UVic Scholar says restoring Indigenous place names promotes reconciliation” in the June 10 Peninsula News Review.
LETTER: Unwanted activists should go home

LETTER: Unwanted activists should go home

It is upsetting to see the media portraying activists and self-proclaimed land defenders in a positive light.
LETTER: Fairy Creek ‘land defenders’ must leave and take their mess with them

LETTER: Fairy Creek ‘land defenders’ must leave and take their mess with them

After reading many articles, letters, and opinions regarding the Fairy Creek blockade, I feel compelled to offer my comments.
LETTER: Appropriate time to change spelling of Sooke

LETTER: Appropriate time to change spelling of Sooke

Now is an opportune time to change the English spelling of Sooke to its indigenous spelling. I have always thought that that would be a far better rendition than Sooke, which has a rather sad dictionary meaning.
LETTER: Pick up after your dog

LETTER: Pick up after your dog

Enough is enough. I have owned dogs all my life and still don’t understand why people can’t or won’t pick up after their dogs.