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LETTER: Convert tennis courts to pickleball

LETTER: Convert tennis courts to pickleball

Politicians are talking about a great reset. Pickleball in Oak Bay needs a reset too!
LETTER: Development rejected by Royal Oak residents

LETTER: Development rejected by Royal Oak residents

A predictable shock wave reverberated throughout Royal Oak upon finding out that the proposed 242-unit Doral Forest Park condo development was approved to go to public hearing in a 7-2 vote by Saanich council.
LETTER: Say no to chickens, cannabis and vacation rentals

LETTER: Say no to chickens, cannabis and vacation rentals

Sidney is a small town with small residential lots which is rapidly increasing in density. Poultry raising should not be allowed on any lot less than one acre in size and, if there was a suitably sized lot, permission should only be granted if neighbours are in agreement. Our town is surrounded by rural properties where poultry raising can take place without disturbing neighbours.
LETTER: Kitty Islet cleanup appreciated

LETTER: Kitty Islet cleanup appreciated

A somewhat belated thank you to the volunteers who did such a wonderful job last year of cleaning out the undergrowth near Kitty Islet. It looks terrific. I admire it every time I walk by, and wanted to let you know your efforts are appreciated.
LETTER: Health care has not kept pace with aging population

LETTER: Health care has not kept pace with aging population

This year the COVID-19 pandemic has shown we can no longer afford to ignore the long-standing issues with long-term care and home care. More than 80 per cent of COVID-19 deaths in Canada occurred in long-term care facilities, the highest proportion – by a longshot – among the 14 developed countries that track this data.
Tread lightly with moral indignation

Tread lightly with moral indignation

Reader says it’s likely some Christmas-travelling politicians weighed the risks
LETTER: Public Fishery Alliance clarifies stance on ways to restore B.C.’s salmon population

LETTER: Public Fishery Alliance clarifies stance on ways to restore B.C.’s salmon population

‘Fishing is enjoyable, but that’s not why the public fishery supports adipose fin clipping all chinook production’
LETTER: Metchosin councillor has lost public’s trust

LETTER: Metchosin councillor has lost public’s trust

I am responding to the interviews conducted by Aaron Guillen or the Goldstream Gazette with Metchosin Coun. Kyara Kahakauwila and Mayor John Ranns. First, I’d like to make sure I understand correctly: Coun. Kahakauwila went to Mexico to schmooze with business people because it would be good for her business, L.A. Limousines. Coun. Kahakauwila thought she didn’t have any Metchosin business to do at the time.
LETTER: Handling of Site C dam issue has been a disaster

LETTER: Handling of Site C dam issue has been a disaster

I commend Premier John Horgan on his government’s response to the COVID crisis. His decisions have been well thought out, and has given the public the sense that things are under control as we move ahead through the pandemic.
LETTER: Government in competition with community groups

LETTER: Government in competition with community groups

I find it disappointing to see that the Braefoot building issue is such a reversal of what governments should be doing. During the 1970-80s when I was in charge of community development in the city of Calgary we successfully turned municipal recreation facilities including swimming pools, hockey arenas and more over to community organizations. These community organizations ran no end of recreation programs and community services as well as the municipality could do.