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LETTER: Cannabis health concerns overlooked

LETTER: Cannabis health concerns overlooked

We would like to thank Coun. Terri O’Keeffe for her public stance on retail cannabis business applications at Sidney council meetings. We agree with her position that these retail stores are different from any other retail business given the clear warnings from Island Health regarding location buffers and their broader points about the availability of cannabis.
LETTER: Enclosed ferry decks not safe for passengers

LETTER: Enclosed ferry decks not safe for passengers

I am writing in response to the Nov. 4 Saanich News editorial concerning the Transport Canada regulation prohibiting passengers from remaining in vehicles accommodated on enclosed car decks.
LETTER: Sidney’s heritage trees appreciated

LETTER: Sidney’s heritage trees appreciated

The large Monterey cypress trees that grace some of the older streets in Sidney are very beautiful and provide an attractive and functional street canopy.
LETTER: Priorities should guide landfill’s future

LETTER: Priorities should guide landfill’s future

A proposal to extend the life of the Hartland landfill, which involves an expansion entailing the destruction of more than 70 trees is being contemplated by the CRD.
LETTER: Sidney cannabis shops should go to a vote

LETTER: Sidney cannabis shops should go to a vote

Re: Sidney considers third retail cannabis application. If the business of government should not be to enforce morality on the people, then the business of government and governing bodies should neither be to enforce immorality on the people.
LETTER: Wood-burning fireplaces should be banned

LETTER: Wood-burning fireplaces should be banned

Like many, I am susceptible to smoke and I dread this time of year when so many feel the need to light up wood-burning fireplaces and do so with little or no concern about the impact they have on their neighbours and local air quality.
LETTER: Saanich staff go above and beyond

LETTER: Saanich staff go above and beyond

I invite Saanich residents to join me in expressing gratitude to Saanich staff for their incredible work during this pandemic.
LETTER: Safety the reason behind ban on lower passenger decks

LETTER: Safety the reason behind ban on lower passenger decks

While I understand (but do not agree with) your complaint with respect to having to leave the enclosed vehicle decks of BC Ferries I take issue with the misconceptions and falsehoods you used to support your position.
LETTER: Fireworks cause distress

LETTER: Fireworks cause distress

This past Halloween was particularly distressful for me as fireworks were lobbed into my yard from a neighbouring yard.
LETTERS: SD62 connecting schools to the land

LETTERS: SD62 connecting schools to the land

While we dug shovels into the crushed rock to mark the official groundbreaking for our two new schools in West Langford, the overarching meaning for the event was the blessing of the land. Sooke School District is rich in local cultural history and, in the last decade, that includes land blessings for all of our new schools. We are honoured to have T’Sou-ke elder Shirley Alphonse bless the land in which we are so fortunate to build the schools.