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LETTERS: Saanich on the road to a safer community

LETTERS: Saanich on the road to a safer community

Three Saanich councillors recently brought a report to council that recommends increased investment in road safety. I applaud the initiative by Couns. Mersereau, Taylor and de Vries, and encourage council to support the recommendation to fast-track badly needed improvements for pedestrians, cyclists and all road users.
LETTERS: Rat poison also fatal to birds

LETTERS: Rat poison also fatal to birds

As a 14-year volunteer with the BCSPCA/Wild ARC, I have retrieved many animals killed by rat poison. One of the saddest incidents was a large, beautiful barred owl found dead on my own property, beside a partially eaten rat. A necropsy on both determined the cause of death was due to rat poison.
LETTERS: Neighbour helps dig out from snow

LETTERS: Neighbour helps dig out from snow

After our 14-inch snowfall, when we were digging ourselves out, along came a neighbour with his garden tractor, chains, snow blade and all, and just proceeded to clean our driveways.
LETTERS: Victoria Harbour and Gorge Waterway face a crisis

LETTERS: Victoria Harbour and Gorge Waterway face a crisis

Re: Esquimalt explores creating portage beach for choppy Gorge waters. Just say no.
LETTERS: Ottawa delivers blow to low-income seniors

LETTERS: Ottawa delivers blow to low-income seniors

The new year got off to a bitter start for low-income seniors.
LETTERS: Advice for the Royal couple before moving to Victoria

LETTERS: Advice for the Royal couple before moving to Victoria

The Royal couple should be forewarned of the inhabitants on the most westerly island of the Empire. Vancouver Islanders are polite but we do love to complain. There are a few things the Royal couple need to know.
LETTERS: Cyclists pens a heads up for motorists

LETTERS: Cyclists pens a heads up for motorists

I am a daily commuter cyclist and I just wanted to pass on a couple things that car drivers might not be aware of.
LETTER: We need to thank those who work in public education

LETTER: We need to thank those who work in public education

Andrea Sinclair is president of the BC Parent Advisory Councils
Letter: James Bay wolf a reminder wolves are shy of humans

Letter: James Bay wolf a reminder wolves are shy of humans

Just a note that reporting on this wolf would’ve been a good opportunity to dispel myths about wolves.
LETTERS: Thanks for shooting local

LETTERS: Thanks for shooting local

I was greatly pleased to see your recent issue with a story on the film shot on Island. The crew pictured were filming in my barn last December.