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LETTERS: Climate change out of our control

LETTERS: Climate change out of our control

Re: “Australian wildfires a climate wake-up call” editorial in the Jan. 17 edition of the Victoria News .

LETTERS: A case for the pedestrian

Were I to make an argument regarding the modal prejudice of the City of Victoria it would start with a defence of the pedestrian. In most cities there is a modal hierarchy stated by council.
LETTER: Cyclists turning trails to mud

LETTER: Cyclists turning trails to mud

I must say it is extremely disappointing to see so many of my fellow cyclists and some cycle groups not use their common sense and feel their wants outweigh the rights of other park or trail users. Their behaviour affects the long-term health of the environs used by all living things.
LETTERS: Great job snow clearing in Oak Bay

LETTERS: Great job snow clearing in Oak Bay

I want to congratulate the work crew of Oak Bay for their excellent service in clearing the streets during the heavy snow we received last week.
LETTERS: Recent paper the best in years

LETTERS: Recent paper the best in years

Many thanks for your Jan. 15 edition, the best one in years in my opinion. A wide variety of readable articles on local news and beyond. Also, I’ve been enjoying articles by a Mr. Greg Knill, someone I’ve never heard of. I had stopped reading Tom Fletcher many months ago. Keep up the good work!
LETTERS: The business of butts, bottles and bongs

LETTERS: The business of butts, bottles and bongs

Re: Pot shop doesn’t belong on Beacon Avenue (Letters, Dec. 13).
LETTERS: Crystal Pool project drains tax dollars

LETTERS: Crystal Pool project drains tax dollars

Once again, we see the continued waste of tax money being spent on the Crystal Pool project.
LETTERS: Be wary of adding more bike lanes

LETTERS: Be wary of adding more bike lanes

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LETTERS: Humans should achieve a zero population growth

LETTERS: Humans should achieve a zero population growth

I applaud your editorial regarding population growth and climate change.
LETTER: Property assessment went up 21%

LETTER: Property assessment went up 21%

You don’t need to go ‘very rural’ to see significant increases, says reader