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LETTER: Older Canadians bear responsibility for climate change

LETTER: Older Canadians bear responsibility for climate change

I support all the motions coming out of the students’ Climate Change Emergency Declaration on June 17. I am willing to pay any increase in property tax that may be necessary.
LETTER: Let horses fulfill their mission

LETTER: Let horses fulfill their mission

Re: Horses’ well-being should guide decision on carriages . From my perspective, the nature of the horses in question is that they are happily following the ways of their ancestors. They come from a long line of horses that have been tamed and bred to be heavy horses that pull heavy loads.
LETTER: Bullcroak on bullfrog claims

LETTER: Bullcroak on bullfrog claims

I call bullcroak at exaggerated claims about bullfrogs.
LETTER: Make it convenient for tourists to shop in Sidney

LETTER: Make it convenient for tourists to shop in Sidney

My wife was shopping in Sidney this morning and commented that while waiting to be served, an American tourist asked if they took U.S. currency. The reply was “ Yes we do but at par.”
LETTER: Make public art accessible to all

LETTER: Make public art accessible to all

Public sculpture should be touchable and safe, particularly in a venue that children frequent.
LETTER: Downtown parking crisis hurts businesses

LETTER: Downtown parking crisis hurts businesses

Re: Downtown Victoria businesses cite parking issues as top challenge
LETTER: Kudos to council for cycling initiatives

LETTER: Kudos to council for cycling initiatives

There is a lot of criticism, in this publication and elsewhere, of the City of Victoria’s actions to create bike lanes and now to provide bus passes for youth. I wish to salute and praise the council for their leadership and good governance. Keep making brave decisions to make our community better. I hope that other councils in the region follow your lead.
LETTER: Strong environmental laws protect our waters

LETTER: Strong environmental laws protect our waters

Bill C-69 is vital to the environmental well-being of our province.
LETTER: Victoria council sours taste for amalgamation

LETTER: Victoria council sours taste for amalgamation

If there has ever been a deterrent to amalgamation it has to be the current Victoria council. I don’t know how these people got elected again, but what a bad joke on Victoria.
LETTER: Outdated privacy laws don’t protect personal information

LETTER: Outdated privacy laws don’t protect personal information

Canada’s election is just around the corner and I’m concerned that our political parties are not protecting the personal information they gather from us. I believe that they should be made subject to federal privacy laws.