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LETTER: Saanich shows no signs of removing derelict boat in the Gorge

LETTER: Saanich shows no signs of removing derelict boat in the Gorge

I was interested to see, in a recent issue of the Saanich News , Colin Plant, as chair of the Capital Regional District’s board, appealing for the public to alert the CRD to derelict boats, “so we can potentially remove and dispose of it safely.”
LETTER: Duplexes fill a need in the community

LETTER: Duplexes fill a need in the community

This is a letter sent to mayor and council in support of two recent applications for non-conforming legal duplexes that are before council.

LETTER: Proposed Spectrum field should accommodate multiple sports

Re: School board staff to shine light on proposed STAR rink Saanich .
LETTER: Alternatives exist for single-use plastic bags

LETTER: Alternatives exist for single-use plastic bags

We are informed that the so-called biodegradable plastic bags for compost and doggie bags don’t really degrade but fall into tiny pieces to stay in the ground.
LETTER: Victoria shouldn’t become a playground for the rich

LETTER: Victoria shouldn’t become a playground for the rich

I read the article entitled Victoria International Marina celebrates grand opening and thought, why do newspapers use their journalists, capable of much better, to write boosterish pieces masquerading as news?
LETTER: Cyclists deserve access to Haro Woods

LETTER: Cyclists deserve access to Haro Woods

Re: Cyclists were causing damage to Haro Woods . I applaud Katrina Madsen’s evident involvement in efforts to preserve Haro Woods, as a forest and as a public space. Her account of the long process of preventing development of the land is interesting, and the story of how the word got out that Haro Woods was open for bike jumps and off-trail cycling is an amusing cautionary tale.
LETTER: EDPA was flawed from the beginning

LETTER: EDPA was flawed from the beginning

If there is faulty science, it is the Environmental Development Permit Area (EDPA) itself that is bad science. It was based on old inaccurate maps from the start. That was a major issue. The other major issue was how it was applied by staff in an authoritarian way, with no scientific basis, according to biologist Ted Lea.
LETTER: Thanks to Korean immigrants who picked Langley for new home

LETTER: Thanks to Korean immigrants who picked Langley for new home

Letter writer Jeff Laurie lauds a community volunteer who helps keep Langley clean
LETTER: Nuclear power is the answer to climate chaos

LETTER: Nuclear power is the answer to climate chaos

David Suzuki is correct to warn us about the need to reduce our emissions of greenhouse gases. Every person on earth should be trying to achieve zero emissions.
LETTER: No excuse for tossed cigarette butts

LETTER: No excuse for tossed cigarette butts

People who throw cigarette butts out of vehicle windows are worse than careless.