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LETTER: ‘Ridiculous complaints’ made about snow removal

LETTER: ‘Ridiculous complaints’ made about snow removal

In reference to the story, District takes heat for pace of snow removal , as the snow is an obstacle to walking on the trails on Mt. Doug, officials should also consider paving all the trails, levelling all the terrain and cutting down all the trees as they are obstacles to the view.
LETTER: Cyclists and motorists must learn to share the road

LETTER: Cyclists and motorists must learn to share the road

When the subject of cyclists arises, we almost always hear of a cyclist not stopping at a stop sign – this act does not tar all cyclists.
LETTER: Common sense means investing in rail

LETTER: Common sense means investing in rail

In the Feb. 8 issue of Victoria News there was an article that stated that all 13 mayors want funding for rail service, and that more studies will not be needed for this.
LETTER: Deer birth control is not long-term planning

LETTER: Deer birth control is not long-term planning

Back to the deer problem, the five-year saga…without results.
LETTER: Capital Regional District has bought into the myth of climate change

LETTER: Capital Regional District has bought into the myth of climate change

The recent declarations by the Capital Regional District and by the City of Victoria, of there being a climate emergency is so ironic.
LETTER: Oak Bay’s citizens’ budget is a flawed idea

LETTER: Oak Bay’s citizens’ budget is a flawed idea

Oak Bay’s website feature to help people understand is a neat idea but has flaws.
LETTER: Full immersion art has no place in intertidal zone

LETTER: Full immersion art has no place in intertidal zone

Full immersion art?
LETTER: Judge by actions, not beliefs

LETTER: Judge by actions, not beliefs

In the end I doubt that people will be judged for their religious beliefs or denomination.
LETTER: Canada must not forget international commitments

LETTER: Canada must not forget international commitments

With a sexy scandal in Ottawa, it is easy to ignore the mundane everyday business of the government. Of course it is important to get to the bottom of the SNC-Lavalin/Raybould matter, but let’s not forget that there are lives at stake and decisions to be made on the international level.
LETTER: Responsible owners don’t let cats roam

LETTER: Responsible owners don’t let cats roam

You can’t defend letting cats roam