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LETTER: Hospitals need to be better integrated into communities

LETTER: Hospitals need to be better integrated into communities

The recent poll, “Should hospital parking be free?” ( Peninsula News Review, Feb. 8), was a classic case of asking the wrong question. And the answer to the question is telling in how many people don’t understand the current funding model for our health care system.
LETTER: Fletcher forgets B.C. Liberals’ ‘weasel party’ at legislature

LETTER: Fletcher forgets B.C. Liberals’ ‘weasel party’ at legislature

Salary escalation occurred under Gordon Campbell’s watch
LETTER: Western Forest Products remains focused on B.C. employment

LETTER: Western Forest Products remains focused on B.C. employment

$350 million invested on B.C. coast in last six years, CEO says
LETTER: Saanich Council needs to lead on biodiversity strategy

LETTER: Saanich Council needs to lead on biodiversity strategy

The Saanich News reported Saanich staff is working on a biodiversity strategy for consideration by council sometime this spring. The strategy will likely be of high interest to a lot of people in Saanich, as I expect a new Environmental Development Permit Area (EDPA) bylaw will form one of its pillars.
LETTER: Consumer, not oil industry, burns the fuel

LETTER: Consumer, not oil industry, burns the fuel

The oil industry giants are not burning the fuel. We, the drivers of cars and trucks are burning the gasoline and diesel fuel.
LETTER: Victoria is committing arborcide

LETTER: Victoria is committing arborcide

I remember when a great many people objected to removal of the Watkiss trees, and the trees around the McKenzie interchange.
LETTER: Victoria a victim of development

LETTER: Victoria a victim of development

Thank you Travis Paterson for writing a piece regarding tree removal in Victoria.
LETTER: Humans the real threat to bird populations

LETTER: Humans the real threat to bird populations

The article “Greater Victoria group calls for cats to be licensed” introduces the Victoria Natural History Society’s idea of licensing cats. As a cat owner, I would support licensing cats with well thought-out details.
LETTER: Speculation tax harms those who choose to spend their money in Canada

LETTER: Speculation tax harms those who choose to spend their money in Canada

In connection with the opinion piece of Jan. 25 , I must provide a counter comment. While I understand the reasons for this tax, it is catching a wide range of individuals to which it will unfairly apply, of which I am one.
LETTER: Opposition to speculation tax is selfish

LETTER: Opposition to speculation tax is selfish

It disturbs me to read and hear the reactions against the speculation tax.