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LETTER: Changing attitudes towards homeless people critical to solution

LETTER: Changing attitudes towards homeless people critical to solution

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LETTER: Out with the condos, in with the rental units

LETTER: Out with the condos, in with the rental units

The change to rental from condos for sale in the 200 Cook St project under construction is surely a landmark event for the badly underserved purpose built rental accommodation market in Victoria.
LETTER: District of Saanich is ignoring the issue of speed on residential streets

LETTER: District of Saanich is ignoring the issue of speed on residential streets

After all the time and money put into re-surfacing the Layritz Parking lot, I was disappointed (to say the least) that no effort was made to slow traffic down coming in and out of the parking lot. No speed humps, no signs, no gate closers.
LETTER: Cyclists not afforded same protections as motorcyclists

LETTER: Cyclists not afforded same protections as motorcyclists

As a cyclist, I recently had the unfortunate pleasure of having a motorcycle follow me, and subsequently pass me, in a bicycle lane. I believed this was an illegal practice – motorcycle driver trying to get past long stretches of traffic lines by passing them via bike lane. Not the first time this has happened to me.
LETTER: For a former refugee, ending homelessness is not just homes but love and more

LETTER: For a former refugee, ending homelessness is not just homes but love and more

Eight years ago I lived in a refugee camp in Kenya, where I spent more than two decades after being displaced from my beautiful home country, Somalia. I walked 100km at the age of five to get to a safe place, experiencing abject poverty, homelessness and losing everything including pictures of my family, my toys and more importantly friends, safety, and security.
LETTER: Helps hiding behind lawyers

LETTER: Helps hiding behind lawyers

Lisa Helps fails to recognize that legal counsel is to advise. Accountability for any decisions belongs to her as the city’s top executive.
LETTER: Colwood offering a great slate of candidates

LETTER: Colwood offering a great slate of candidates

We are very grateful for the All Candidates Forum arranged by the Westshore Chamber of Commerce on Oct. 2 and for the meet and greet arranged by the Colwood Community Association on Oct. 4. Both events allowed us to meet the candidates and learn a bit about their visions for the future.
LETTER: Living with community needs to be par of housing solution

LETTER: Living with community needs to be par of housing solution

As someone who is housed, not being separated from my family and loved ones during a hard time – whether that’s being forcibly displaced multiple times as in the case of the campers with Namegans Nation, or whatever other hurdles life throws – is something that I can take for granted.
LETTER: Look for democracy, accountability, amalgamation this election

LETTER: Look for democracy, accountability, amalgamation this election

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LETTER: Homelessness is not a crime

LETTER: Homelessness is not a crime

The treatment of the small group of homeless campers at Goldstream has been an insight into the attitudes, lack of meaningful action and the stigmatization of homeless people in our communities.