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LETTER: Bypass the Malahat and divide Salt Spring Island

LETTER: Bypass the Malahat and divide Salt Spring Island

A big problem with Pat Clements’ idea for bypassing the Malahat is the divide on Salt Spring Island – a civil war would erupt between those wanting easy access for jobs (which Salt Spring lacks) and those who claim to want isolation thought they live on the benefits of access to bring supplies and help.
LETTER: Pro Representation advocates are keeping voters in the dark

LETTER: Pro Representation advocates are keeping voters in the dark

I just received the Voter’s Guide to the Referendum Question on Electoral Reform. I was hoping for a clear choice between our current system and a clearly articulated alternative proportional system. Instead the Guide describes three complicated alternative systems, two of which are not used anywhere else in the world, and none of which provide the clarity I was seeking.
LETTER: Mayors and council must show restraint with spending

LETTER: Mayors and council must show restraint with spending

Newly minted politicians will face a different workplace that’s characterized by higher interest rates - more interest rates hikes are predicted - when they take their seat around the table at the region’s 13 municipalities.
LETTER: BC Hydro’s crisis fund is a violation of rights

LETTER: BC Hydro’s crisis fund is a violation of rights

My hydro bill comes out automatically each and every month, so I wasn’t aware of the $3 a year increase (25 cents a bill) until a family member asked me what I thought about it. According to BC Hydro – this came about because BC Pensioners and Seniors Organization approached them for a rate freeze because of people on a fixed income. What BC Hydro came up with was a crisis fund which will make a one-time payment of $600 for medical hardship. The cost for BC Hydro to set up the project will be 1.
LETTER: Despite our needs in Canada, we must also think globally

LETTER: Despite our needs in Canada, we must also think globally

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LETTER: Namegans Nation draws attention to important issues around housing

LETTER: Namegans Nation draws attention to important issues around housing

I have followed the news media concerning Namegans Nation over the past few months and visited in the summer to bring supplies. I have many questions about how things have unfolded, but most importantly I want to lend my support to the members of Namegans Nation, who have endured unbearable levels of harassment and discrimination for taking an unwavering stand against the crisis of homelessness in our region.
LETTER: It’s time to develop empathy towards homeless

LETTER: It’s time to develop empathy towards homeless

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LETTER: Do your research before voting Pro Rep

LETTER: Do your research before voting Pro Rep

Historically, referendums that ask citizens to choose between first-past-the-post and proportional representation have failed when voters have been provided with a clear comparison between the two. For example, the first referendum on proportional representation in BC won 57 per cen support. But only 39 per cent voted in favour in the second referendum, when the public received details about how our voting system would actually change.
LETTER: Truck wedge indicates dangers of map database-based driving

LETTER: Truck wedge indicates dangers of map database-based driving

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LETTER: Cost of not eliminating poverty outweighs cost of addressing it

LETTER: Cost of not eliminating poverty outweighs cost of addressing it

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