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LETTER: Saanich parks strategy overlooks benefits to dogs’ health

LETTER: Saanich parks strategy overlooks benefits to dogs’ health

With the Saanich council meeting scheduled for June 26, I am compelled to write to you as a matter of great urgency to vehemently oppose the Saanich People, Pets, and Parks draft strategy plan.
LETTER: Sidney council listened to the community

LETTER: Sidney council listened to the community

Kudos to Sidney council for listening to the residents and putting the plans for the bike lanes on the back burner for now. It is so refreshing to live in a place where council actually pays attention to what the people want. We lived in Victoria for 20 years and that is certainly not the case there. Keep up the good work.
LETTER: Seniors have become convenient scapegoats for society’s problems

LETTER: Seniors have become convenient scapegoats for society’s problems

Re: the column “Time for the revenge of Gen-X and the Millennials?”
LETTER: Drivers should roll down the windows

LETTER: Drivers should roll down the windows

On yet another gorgeous sunny, breezy day on the south Island, with temperatures below 20 C, it’s dismaying to still see so many vehicles on the roads with windows all rolled up, presumably running their air conditioning.
LETTER: Saanich council’s priorities are for the dogs

LETTER: Saanich council’s priorities are for the dogs

I don’t like dogs, but what I absolutely abhor are politicians that lie, push their own agendas and use my tax dollars to achieve their goals. All Saanich taxpayers, residents, visitors and particularly parents should be outraged by this nonsense put forth by the municipality specifically targeting dog owners.
LETTER: Military helicopters should be used to fight forest fires

LETTER: Military helicopters should be used to fight forest fires

Due to climate change, forest fires are becoming more of a problem every year. We need to have more resources available to react quickly and effectively. And Canada’s military has helicopters that are being used mostly to prepare for war. Although this is a necessary and difficult task, during heavy forest fire season these resources could be better used for fighting the more dangerous and potentially immense forest fires. Helicopters may be used with buckets or belly tanks and other uses.
LETTER: Lack of affordable options the real housing scandal in B.C.

LETTER: Lack of affordable options the real housing scandal in B.C.

BC Housing scandal an appalling mess.
LETTER: Patio heater decision ignores climate impact

LETTER: Patio heater decision ignores climate impact

I would like to point out the mixed message Oak Bay council is sending to the community around climate change and their declared “Climate Emergency”.
LETTER: Province usurping municipal authority

LETTER: Province usurping municipal authority

B.C. has gone too far. Provincial legislation must apply equally to the entire province. So when B.C. applied a speculation tax on certain municipalities but not others, then threatens to undermine democracy by overriding 10 specific democratically elected local councils, red lights flash!
LETTER: Dogs should be excluded from PKOLS-Mount Douglas

LETTER: Dogs should be excluded from PKOLS-Mount Douglas

The consultant’s final recommendations in Saanich’s People, Pets and Parks (PPP) study, will be considered by Saanich council on June 26. Our society has serious concerns about its recommendations for PKOLS-Mount Douglas Park related to dogs, the damage they have done to the park ecosystem and the lack of recommendations within the report that will address this.