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LETTER: Development will disrupt neighbourhood

LETTER: Development will disrupt neighbourhood

Our sympathies to the people who live near Mike Miller’s proposed renovation project on Beach Drive.
LETTER: Road check a waste of police resources

LETTER: Road check a waste of police resources

I received a seatbelt ticket in Sidney, on Mother’s Day.
LETTER: Saanich’s list of excuses continues to grow for lack of Vote Dashboard

LETTER: Saanich’s list of excuses continues to grow for lack of Vote Dashboard

The April 24 Saanich council meeting was the most Kafkaesque I’ve ever witnessed.
LETTER: Bilingual policy ignores English majority and history

LETTER: Bilingual policy ignores English majority and history

As it was once written, bilingual today, French tomorrow, it appears tomorrow has arrived. Quebec again becomes the beneficiary of a major make-work program under the Liberal government.
LETTER: Saanich ignores properties encroaching on municipal land

LETTER: Saanich ignores properties encroaching on municipal land

Across Saanich, dozens, if not hundreds, of properties encroach upon municipal property and, despite official assurances, little is being done to prevent it. Thousands of square feet of public property, worth millions of dollars, upon which no taxes are being paid, have been illegally appropriated by homeowners for their sole use and enjoyment. People who know how to manipulate the system are obtaining permits for fences and hedges at the expense of the majority.
LETTER: Dog bite shatters tranquility of walk along Willows Beach

LETTER: Dog bite shatters tranquility of walk along Willows Beach

I like dogs. I have friends who own dogs and I consider myself their dog’s friend as well.
LETTER: Saanich’s push for biodiversity must start on public lands

LETTER: Saanich’s push for biodiversity must start on public lands

In his letter on developing a strategy to address biodiversity, Saanich Coun. Zac de Vries indicates that there has been “some misunderstanding and misinterpretation in the community related to the mapping” and goes on to mention ground truthing.
LETTER: Full overpass a better option than flyover for Keating Cross Road

LETTER: Full overpass a better option than flyover for Keating Cross Road

I have been a resident of Central Saanich for eight years and lucky to have grown up on the Peninsula. Now, I have the pleasure of raising my family which includes two children, who both attend Keating Elementary School.
LETTER: Help needed with Salish names

LETTER: Help needed with Salish names

I am delighted to see the addition of Salish names for the parks in the CRD. I just have one request. I would like to see a phonetic spelling under the Salish name in order to be able to refer to the park appropriately.
LETTER: Time to move on from the monarchy

LETTER: Time to move on from the monarchy

Surely by now Canadians have had enough of this comic opera monarchy nonsense.