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LETTER: Continued push for development will eliminate single-family neighbourhoods

LETTER: Continued push for development will eliminate single-family neighbourhoods

This is in reference to the letter to the editor in the April 6 Oak Bay News, “Fight to Preserve neighbourhood character casts shadow on housing crisis.” It seems the writer has not noticed that most single-family homeowners are not well-heeled or selfish. They are hard-working, and due to the current economic conditions, are struggling to pay inflation-driven price and tax increases.
LETTER: Dysfunction at the District of North Saanich

LETTER: Dysfunction at the District of North Saanich

The B.C. government’s conduct guidelines for locally elected officials note that less-than-responsible conduct includes such things as: marginalization of specific council or board members; mistreatment of staff members; and alleged breaches of procedures or rules during meetings.
LETTER: Sidney green space in short supply

LETTER: Sidney green space in short supply

So pleased to see that Sidney has rejected a proposed high-density change at White Birch Road.
LETTER: Residents priced out of the market for new developments

LETTER: Residents priced out of the market for new developments

I laughed out loud when I read Victoria Adams’ recent letter in the Saanich News. Was it an April Fools joke? My question to her: Where is this magical place where individuals or neighbourhood associations “exert significant influence” on municipalities?
LETTER: Sharing the garden’s bounty

LETTER: Sharing the garden’s bounty

I read recently in the Oak Bay News of the lack of garden plots in the municipality, and the desire by residents to have a place to practise their green thumbs.
LETTER: Many volunteers’ efforts go unnoticed

LETTER: Many volunteers’ efforts go unnoticed

Breaking News: Dog owners pick up dog poop, issue press release.
LETTER: Leave your dogs at home

LETTER: Leave your dogs at home

Re: Saanich Facebook group members help clean up PKOLS. If this group of dog owners really does plan to continue picking up dog poop, my friend and I who were jumped on by one of their dogs during last Sunday’s cleanup would really appreciate it if they left their dogs at home next time.
LETTER: Cleanup efforts appreciated

LETTER: Cleanup efforts appreciated

A big thank you to those who collectively pick up garbage at PKOLS-Mount Douglas on a daily basis, many of whom have been giving their time to the park for years.
LETTER: Giving a shout out to those who keep us safe and healthy

LETTER: Giving a shout out to those who keep us safe and healthy

I wanted to take a moment to share my recent experiences with various emergency services positions, and the incredible people behind them. Growing up, my mother was a nurse for 38 years and I always appreciated the important work she did. However, it wasn’t until I cared for her during her cancer battle and met various people in these roles that my eyes were truly opened to the dedication, passion, and desire to help others required for these professions.
LETTER: North Saanich council giving residents a voice

LETTER: North Saanich council giving residents a voice

I think it’s time that the Peninsula News Review gave us, the residents of North Saanich, a bit of credit for electing our mayor and council.