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LETTER: District must end neglect of Carnarvon ball fields

LETTER: District must end neglect of Carnarvon ball fields

The advent of the baseball season again shines a light on Oak Bay’s neglect of youth sports and our community ball fields and recreation culture.
LETTER: Tillicum bike lanes complicate commute

LETTER: Tillicum bike lanes complicate commute

Vernon Lord hits the nail on the head with his comments about the badly designed Tillicum bike lanes.
LETTER: Anti-dog sentiment devalues volunteer efforts

LETTER: Anti-dog sentiment devalues volunteer efforts

It’s unfortunate that such an anti-dog sentiment has been directed toward the great volunteers trying to make things better at Mount Douglas Park (PKOLS).
LETTER: Saanich appears poised for return of EDPA

LETTER: Saanich appears poised for return of EDPA

Public engagement is underway for a biodiversity conservation strategy in Saanich, which may include an EDPA (Environmental Development Permit Area). Details can be found on the District of Saanich website.
LETTER: New tax system would ensure access to health care

LETTER: New tax system would ensure access to health care

Your recent editorial - Health care is not a partisan issue – is an important message at this time of intensified partisanship in both the U.S. and here in Canada. Your call for a major systemic change to strengthen our health-care provision – rather than more fiddling around the edges – is bang on.
LETTER: Company digs deep for community garden

LETTER: Company digs deep for community garden

Many thanks to the good folks at GableCraft Homes in Latoria. They have shown great interest in the Colwood Community Garden, supplying lumber and supplies for our work parties.
LETTER: Council shows lack of consistency

LETTER: Council shows lack of consistency

The majority of Saanich council recently voted against a motion to create a lobbyist registry, with Coun. Colin Plant justifying his vote based on that the public had not shown particular interest in the matter.
LETTER: Starlight’s spectacle won’t solve the housing crisis

LETTER: Starlight’s spectacle won’t solve the housing crisis

Victoria city council recently approved the largest rental development project in its history. Starlight Investments’ Harris Green Village is lauded as a significant contribution to solving the city’s housing crisis.
LETTER: Taxpayers on the hook for additional OCP costs

LETTER: Taxpayers on the hook for additional OCP costs

At the April 3 North Saanich council meeting, CAO Tim Tanton reported that despite the contract termination letter, MODUS offered to complete a draft OCP for the budgeted amount of $49,000. Rather than take this deal, Mayor Jones and Couns. Stock, Shrivastava and McConkey voted against it, arguing that North Saanich should acquire only the data and have someone else produce the draft.
LETTER: New name, same old policies

LETTER: New name, same old policies

If I had harmed as many people as the BC Liberals did during their 16 years in government in B.C. I would want to change my name too.