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LETTER: Put the brakes on plans for Mills Road bike lanes

LETTER: Put the brakes on plans for Mills Road bike lanes

I want to express my dismay about the Town of Sidney’s plan to create bike lanes on Mills Road between Resthaven and Pat Bay. This will deeply affect – negatively – the elder population who reside in Resthaven Lodge, Sidney All Care, and Amica/Beechwood.
LETTER: Sidney should curb plans to reduce parking

LETTER: Sidney should curb plans to reduce parking

Between the growth of our local population and the increase in visitors from out of town (shoppers, friends, etc.) it is becoming increasingly more difficult to find a place to park in Sidney. The Town of Sidney’s recently proposed Active Transportation Plan seeks to restructure many of Sidney’s roads by adding bike lanes while removing viable driving space from our roads and parking spaces throughout the town.
LETTER: Time to get a handle on council pay

LETTER: Time to get a handle on council pay

Mayor Ryan Windsor in Central Saanich is again pushing for a wage increase. When one considers the approximately $20,000 a year he receives from local taxpayers for sitting on the CRD board, what other remuneration from other publicly funded committees does he collect? What is the total amount of money is he receiving from local taxpayers?
LETTER: Housing crisis decades in the making

LETTER: Housing crisis decades in the making

Much of our discussion these days is about the housing crisis. Whether to focus on the shortage of affordable houses – the lack of supply, the high rent for basic housing – it is a widespread multi-faceted issue that is tearing at our lifestyle. It is very pronounced in many places in Canada and elsewhere. Let’s pause for a moment, and understand where it came from.
LETTER: Prior planning discarded for new development

LETTER: Prior planning discarded for new development

There was a time when city planners were able to accomplish what their job title suggested – they planned the city, its growth and densification. They thought through issues regarding traffic, noise, building height, amenities, land use, neighbourhood feel, bike lanes, environment, etc.
LETTER: Henderson bike lanes a result of negotiated compromise

LETTER: Henderson bike lanes a result of negotiated compromise

The Henderson bike lanes that were debated Feb. 27 at Oak Bay council were the subject of at least two very contentious public engagements resulting in a negotiated compromise acceptable for all: By day, these lanes are exclusively for bikes in the hours recommended by the active transportation and transit-oriented design guidelines; by night they are for car parking for those owners and renters, including many in secondary suites, who live along Henderson and have no other parking place.
LETTER: Pre-zoning opens the door to profit for developers

LETTER: Pre-zoning opens the door to profit for developers

The mayor of Saanich has been promoting the concept of pre-zoning, in the press and on his website. Pre-zoning would massively curtail the number of community hearings on zoning processes, greatly reducing community power and influence in shaping their own future. This would in many ways be devastating for local democracy and the environment, which will be heavily affected.
LETTER: Development threatens sensitive watershed

LETTER: Development threatens sensitive watershed

Many readers are familiar with the Swan Lake Nature Sanctuary and the educational services it provides to children across Greater Victoria. The sanctuary is well known to nature lovers with over 60,000 visitors a year.
LETTER: Central Saanich council needs to justify pay increase

LETTER: Central Saanich council needs to justify pay increase

Did you hike your own salary by 37 per cent this year? How about 70 per cent?
LETTER: Survey shows dogs in parks supported by Saanich residents

LETTER: Survey shows dogs in parks supported by Saanich residents

Saanich Parks has spent a lot of taxpayer money, time and effort engaging in public consultation via surveys, town meetings, etc., trying to develop an updated strategy regarding dogs and parks.