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LETTER: James Bay Day a terrific event

LETTER: James Bay Day a terrific event

Congratulations to the volunteers, musicians and generous sponsors and donors who put on a terrific show in Irving Park on Aug. 28 as Victoria’s first suburb celebrated James Bay Day.
LETTER: North Saanich should pay its share of roundabout

LETTER: North Saanich should pay its share of roundabout

I was very disappointed to read that North Saanich wishes to cap its investment in the Galoran roundabout project. Did they not originally agree to a 20 per cent contribution?
Letter: Roadway is a disaster waiting to happen

Letter: Roadway is a disaster waiting to happen

Just watched a young mother trying to manoeuvre around the vehicles parked between Maple Avenue S and the Prestige Oceanfront Resort in Sooke. She had one hand on a stroller with a child and the other holding a toddler.
Letter: Voice your opinion on park’s future

Letter: Voice your opinion on park’s future

Re: Public has opportunity to voice opinion on controversial park plan
LETTER: Amazon should pay for roundabout

LETTER: Amazon should pay for roundabout

I know it is not politically correct these days to fight against roundabouts but the fact is they are expensive to build and, if there is a garden in the middle, they are an ongoing maintenance cost.
LETTER: Colwood council’s pay hike too rich for taxpayers

LETTER: Colwood council’s pay hike too rich for taxpayers

A proposed 100 per cent raise for Colwood’s mayor and council is more than a little rich, it’s tone deaf,.
LETTER: Volunteers work clearing McNeill bluff appreciated

LETTER: Volunteers work clearing McNeill bluff appreciated

Jacques Sirois, and other volunteers, have been doing amazing work clearing blackberries and ivy from McNeill bluff.
LETTER: Housing strategy survey has serious design flaw

LETTER: Housing strategy survey has serious design flaw

The survey, which will have a significant influence on Oak Bay’s Infill Housing Strategy, has a poorly designed format and a biased question. It will be very difficult to draw meaningful, objective conclusions from the data.
LETTER: New developments pushing up Victoria rental rates

LETTER: New developments pushing up Victoria rental rates

A recent article in the Victoria News reports that Victoria rents are rising at the fastest rate in the country over the past year. Why are rents increasing at the rate they are in Victoria?
LETTER: Feed Canada geese to the hungry

LETTER: Feed Canada geese to the hungry

Re: problem with the soaring Canada goose population. When the geese are in the molt and cannot fly, herd them and wring their necks. The meat, if prepared properly, would feed the hungry. Why are we so namby-pamby in this country?