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LETTER: Road building threatens old-growth

LETTER: Road building threatens old-growth

What does ‘deferral’ really mean, when applied to our forests? We at Greater Victoria Acting Together are concerned that many have been misled by announcements of old-growth logging deferrals.
LETTER: Infill housing strategy distracts from more pressing issues

LETTER: Infill housing strategy distracts from more pressing issues

I am grateful to Christopher Gibbs for his letter in the Aug. 25 Oak Bay News. He makes the most succinct, and salient arguments against infill housing. That is, besides the obvious lack of street parking, increase in CO2, and limited visibility at street corners.
LETTER: Simple solution to pickleball problem

LETTER: Simple solution to pickleball problem

I admit to some confusion in regard to the article on pickleball in the Sept. 1 Peninsula News Review. Do I understand that we have involved several levels of authority including a North Saanich director of infrastructure services, a security services company (Thorn), and a security services subcontractor (Commissionaires Victoria) – and we cannot find someone to close a bloody gate?
LETTER: Canada geese under attack

LETTER: Canada geese under attack

Our beloved Canada goose has become a scapegoat and fallen prey to speciesism: prejudice or discrimination based on species. Unfortunately, the recent letters to the editor regarding our geese and how we need to remove them have proven how speciesist we are.
LETTER: Leave housing solutions to the incoming council

LETTER: Leave housing solutions to the incoming council

Oak Bay council needs to slow down the infill initiative.
LETTER: Cooling on climate change

LETTER: Cooling on climate change

There is so much emphasis on global warming, neglecting that climate change is cyclic, not linear, and Earth has had eight consecutive years of global cooling thus far, (Greenland ice mass growing, Antarctic hit -80 C ) with much more being forecast, such as …
Letter: Alcohol is also a killer and destroys lives

Letter: Alcohol is also a killer and destroys lives

Re: Addiction and Tragedy ( News , Aug. 11)

Letter: Building boom a detriment to our health

In light of the current building boom, I feel the need to comment.
LETTER: Consider the Peninsula’s environment when casting your vote

LETTER: Consider the Peninsula’s environment when casting your vote

For the last few years, a number of community organizations have been promoting a bioregional planning framework for the Saanich Peninsula. This framework outlines an integrated approach for management through the lens of the environment - inspired by two concepts:
LETTER: Cats not a major threat to birds

LETTER: Cats not a major threat to birds

I have to disagree with the letter writer who assumes cats reducing the bird population is a major concern.