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LETTER: Navigating a return to Canada by ferry

LETTER: Navigating a return to Canada by ferry

I recently went by Coho Ferry to the U.S.A. I want to thank the Blackball Ferry staff for their excellent service.
LETTER: Wishing pedestrians a bright Christmas

LETTER: Wishing pedestrians a bright Christmas

Here’s another take on the term “white Christmas.” It’s the idea that, as pedestrians, we ought to wear colours that reflect light in the long – and often wet – nighttime hours of Victoria’s winter.
Letter: Sooke must do its part in fight against global warming

Letter: Sooke must do its part in fight against global warming

Re: Rain, rain … go away ( News , Dec. 9)
LETTER: Cadboro Bay resident worries about village’s future

LETTER: Cadboro Bay resident worries about village’s future

Points to online community survey as being open to outside commercial interests
LETTER: Climate damage on parade

LETTER: Climate damage on parade

I was aghast, shocked and very disappointed when I heard the music and truck-horn blasts. Are the organizer of the truck light parade not aware of the crisis of global warning?
LETTER: Provide parents with COVID test kits

LETTER: Provide parents with COVID test kits

I write to comment on Jane Skrypnek’s article (Dec 1) on slow COVID contact tracing in schools. Kudos to the ladies who are actually doing something, but why on earth would the B.C. government treat schools differently from workplaces?
LETTER: No need to delay hiring permanent Saanich CAO

LETTER: No need to delay hiring permanent Saanich CAO

The media is reporting Saanich council is hiring an interim CAO now, with the eventual selection of a permanent CAO made by next November’s new council, so one year away, minimum.
LETTER: Deadline needed for Tolmie pickleball

LETTER: Deadline needed for Tolmie pickleball

I would like to respond to the president of the Victoria Regional Pickleball Association’s letter Nov. 24 asking neighbours of Tolmie Park to work with her to press Saanich to develop new pickleball courts to replace the ones at Tolmie. She acknowledged that pickleball is noisy and these courts are too close to the neighbours. She said she was seeking a compromise.
LETTER: Rail line upgrade makes sense

LETTER: Rail line upgrade makes sense

Thank you for printing the letter from Tyler Ponsford of Nanaimo in regards to using the old E&N rail line to help solve the Malahat situation.
LETTER: Playing dogs bring joy to beach

LETTER: Playing dogs bring joy to beach

In response to the letter “Dogs out of control on Cadboro Bay” in the Dec. 1 Saanich News. The letter highlights the “far too common” occurrences of witnessing dogs running, shaking water, sniffing, licking, and even charging and jumping.