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CANDIDATE PROFILE: Independent Metchosin-Esquimalt candidate has big ideas on poverty, sewage

CANDIDATE PROFILE: Independent Metchosin-Esquimalt candidate has big ideas on poverty, sewage

DelMar Martay advocates for alternative currency as way to alleviate poverty
At least 84 new classes coming to Victoria school district

At least 84 new classes coming to Victoria school district

District forced to bump Tillicum out-of-school care
City to spend $152,000 to install signs downtown

City to spend $152,000 to install signs downtown

Signs will help residents, tourists move through city streets
City’s first protected bike lanes open for use

City’s first protected bike lanes open for use

A number of new traffic patterns are in effect
Victoria police searching for suspect who exposed himself to a child

Victoria police searching for suspect who exposed himself to a child

Indecent act occurred near Macaulay School in Esquimalt on Friday.
CANDIDATE PROFILE: Veteran politician banking on experience in Esquimalt-Metchosin

CANDIDATE PROFILE: Veteran politician banking on experience in Esquimalt-Metchosin

On-leave Esquimalt Mayor Barb Desjardins brings business frame of mind to campaign
V2V Empress, ferry from Victoria to Vancouver, christened

V2V Empress, ferry from Victoria to Vancouver, christened

Passenger service has been delayed by a few weeks.
CANDIDATE PROFILE: Libertarian voices optimism for chances in Esquimalt-Metchosin

CANDIDATE PROFILE: Libertarian voices optimism for chances in Esquimalt-Metchosin

Langford-raised Josh Steffler advocates for smaller government, more privatization
Local artist’s work to be featured in Commercial Alley art gallery

Local artist’s work to be featured in Commercial Alley art gallery

Commercial Alley Outdoor Art Gallery will be featuring the work of local artist Kai Choufour.
Search still underway to find operator, service provider for Victoria casino

Search still underway to find operator, service provider for Victoria casino

The operator/service provider will be responsible for finding a location within Victoria for the casino