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Vancouver Islanders mastering the art of table tennis for fun and fitness

Cumberland group meets three times a week for friendly games for people of all skill sets
Ed Schum with one of his personally made paddles and ball at a tennis table.

Every Wednesday, Friday and Sunday a group of tennis table enthusiasts meet at Moncreif Hall in Cumberland to play table tennis. The members range from young to old and everything in between. 

One of the members, Ed Schum, is 83 years old and you would never know from his rousing games and domination of the table. He’s a retired paddle or blade maker who had has now moved on to other hobbies to pass his time. But he’ll always have time to play table tennis.

Not only does the group meet to play, but they are welcoming of all skill levels and will help set you up with the skills needed to take part. From practicing the art of a good aggressive facing paddle to keep your ball close to the table to setting up a robot that fires balls in the same way to get you used to the movements needed to be successful. 

In a demonstration of how the movements work when up against the robot, Schum shares the keys to success.

“Start by just standing and letting the ball hit your paddle. Then start to move the paddle a bit until you are pivoting towards the ball for faster strikes,” instructed Schum.

Schum played table tennis as a boy briefly but has been playing the in the Comox Valley for the last 30 years. His experience is demonstrated on the table with a quick back and forth against another player. He moves further and further back from the table and brushes those balls across the table. 

After a few hours of practicing the moves, getting on the table to test the skills you’ve been set up with, a match can last for several back and forths before someone misses a ball. 

Even a novice with no prior experience can leave with skills to take to the next club meeting. Moving up the ranks of play quite quickly. 

Adam Kuzma helps newbies out with playing as well. He starts with the basics of a ping-pong style game and slowly moves up the skill level until you’ve reached table tennis status. His keen eye helps direct the novice in where they can improve and even the admittedly uncoordinated can pick up the game. 

From front strokes, to back strokes and to learning how to brush the ball so it spins across the table, there are many skills to master. 

Cumberland Table Tennis club meets on Wednesdays at Moncreif Hall in the Cumberland Cultural Centre from 2:00 p.m. until 5:00 p.m., Fridays 5:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. and Sundays from 2:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m..

Raynee Novak

About the Author: Raynee Novak

I am a Multimedia Journalist for the Comox Valley Record
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