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LETTER: Canada must share vaccines with the world

LETTER: Canada must share vaccines with the world

As a local resident, grandmother and advocate for human rights, Global Vaccine Equity is very important to me.
ZYTARUK: The way to deal with criminal recidivists is to enforce personal responsibility

ZYTARUK: The way to deal with criminal recidivists is to enforce personal responsibility

We don’t need another study to know that
Who is being ‘two-headed’ here?

Who is being ‘two-headed’ here?

Re: Canada’s two-headed climate policy ( Our View, April 28)
LETTER: The truth matters

LETTER: The truth matters

Re: the letter to the editor Labelling is a plague.
LETTER: Denser communities serve an aging population

LETTER: Denser communities serve an aging population

The latest Census data shows the number of seniors over 85 is expected to triple in the next 25 years. The pace of aging is expected to accelerate.
LETTER: Blazing a trail for females in leadership role

LETTER: Blazing a trail for females in leadership role

Congratulations to Sergeant Julie Chanin on being named deputy chief of the Oak Bay police force.
LETTER: Development brings disruptions

LETTER: Development brings disruptions

More is being written recently on the topic of development and densification.
LETTER: Being strangled by housing policy

LETTER: Being strangled by housing policy

Allow me to offer some words of consolation to the Russian oligarch targeted by MP Elizabeth May – as reported in the April 21 Peninsula News Review. Mr. Milner should be consoled to know that even Canadian citizens are subject to seizure of their property – for actions far less nefarious than his.
LETTER: Russian sanctions not the answer

LETTER: Russian sanctions not the answer

It is such an embarrassment to continually listen to Elizabeth May over the years. She thinks Russians who made it rich should be a target for illegal seizure of property.
MLA REPORT: Forum tackles issue surrounding industrial parking lot in Salish Sea

MLA REPORT: Forum tackles issue surrounding industrial parking lot in Salish Sea

Green Party MLA Adam Olsen wants province to do more about impacts of transport ships