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LETTER: OCPs should be more than just a guide

LETTER: OCPs should be more than just a guide

Victoria city council has now determined that specific developments can go ahead, bypassing rezoning and public hearings. And other municipal councils in the region seem to agree with this idea.
LETTER: Donate the right way

LETTER: Donate the right way

Canadian Red Cross has a sign up that says, “Together we can do more, help support Ukrainian Humanitarian Crisis Appeal. We will match all contributions up to $100,000.”
Legendary Lafleur was an inspiration for a generation of Canadians

Legendary Lafleur was an inspiration for a generation of Canadians

COLUMN: Former Canadiens superstar leaves an indelible legacy
COLUMN: A few stops away: reflections on the New York subway shooting

COLUMN: A few stops away: reflections on the New York subway shooting

Castlegar News editor Betsy Kline was on the subway in New York on the day of the recent shooting
LETTER: Elephant in the room is crawling along Highway 14

LETTER: Elephant in the room is crawling along Highway 14

Sooke is limited in its human carrying capacity by being dependent upon a two-lane road feeding traffic from both ends of Highway 14.
LETTER: Langford on leading edge for EV use

LETTER: Langford on leading edge for EV use

During his visit to the Capital Region, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau promoted the benefits in the recent budget on spending on infrastructure for electric vehicles.
LETTER: Restart negotiations on Spewhung

LETTER: Restart negotiations on Spewhung

The marina waterfront is a potential Oak Bay gem. It is important to get the terms of its renewal right. We will have to live with the result for 30 years.
LETTER: If a tree falls in Langford, does council hear a sound?

LETTER: If a tree falls in Langford, does council hear a sound?

All you have to do is drive to Langford and look up towards the mountains and you will see the ‘development’ devastation taking place. The mountains are being clear cut to make way for houses.
LETTER: Labelling a plague to public discourse

LETTER: Labelling a plague to public discourse

Re: Patrick Godfrey’s letter of March 31, which began: “I was dismayed to read the letter you irresponsibly published recently, perhaps in some misguided attempt…”
LETTER: Getting the facts on pet foods

LETTER: Getting the facts on pet foods

I am writing in response to the inaugural All About Pets article about pet nutrition. First of all, I would like to applaud the idea of writing a column dedicated to the health and wellness of our beloved community pets. I feel obliged to address the theory that all pets benefit and require an ever-changing variety of foods and that “feeding the same thing for years” ends up causing deficiencies.