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OPINION: Why pausing some development in Sooke is a good idea

OPINION: Why pausing some development in Sooke is a good idea

Transition Sooke wants council to evaluate what growth is possible while still meeting climate goals
LETTER: Seniors should have access to COVID rapid tests

LETTER: Seniors should have access to COVID rapid tests

In the last six weeks, we have begun to experience the prolific impact of the Omicron variant. While there are differences with this latest variant, what has not changed is that seniors remain at highest risk. The evidence is clear, people age 65 and older are still 50 times more likely to die from COVID-19.
LETTER: Council should be on hook for CAO severance

LETTER: Council should be on hook for CAO severance

Since the Saanich chief administrative officer was fired without cause, is the answer a class-action suit against council on behalf of Saanich taxpayers to recover the severance package?
LETTER: Traffic delay on Sooke Rd. ‘nonsense’

LETTER: Traffic delay on Sooke Rd. ‘nonsense’

Regarding the outrageous Jan. 23 traffic delays when almost no traffic could move in either direction along Highway 14 between Saseenos and Buffy’s Pub for most of the day, and hundreds of cars were trapped in both directions going nowhere for up to 20 minutes per creep
LETTER: We have the right to choose but we also have a responsibility to society

LETTER: We have the right to choose but we also have a responsibility to society

We live in an interconnected, interdependent world where our personal choices affect all of us. This is particularly true of our social healthcare system. By contributing through our taxes to provide a healthcare system that serves all of us, we create a better society for everyone. This works because of the fundamental axiom that the whole is greater than the sum of the parts.
LETTER: SD61 should cancel sale of Lansdowne property

LETTER: SD61 should cancel sale of Lansdowne property

I’m strongly opposed to the trustees of School District 61 selling public green space for development.
LETTER: Saanich council shows foresight on Vision Zero

LETTER: Saanich council shows foresight on Vision Zero

Livable Roads for Rural Saanich would like to recognize the mayor and council of Saanich for their unanimous support on two motions from Jan. 10. Staff has been asked to bring forward reports on the various impacts of accelerating the Active Transportation Plan and of formally implementing the principles of Vision Zero.
LETTER: Museum can’t erase our history

LETTER: Museum can’t erase our history

I would like to join the thousands of people who are voicing their concern over the closure of the wonderful “Old Town” in the Royal British Columbia Museum.
LETTER: Taxis down on Sidney fares

LETTER: Taxis down on Sidney fares

Has anyone else had a problem with the taxis that serve the Swartz Bay ferry terminal not wanting to take passengers to Sidney?
LETTER: Mayor’s success comes at a cost

LETTER: Mayor’s success comes at a cost

Re: the letter ‘Mayor has helped Langford go from a dogpatch to a diamond.’ No one can discount what Mayor Young has done for Langford. But it would also be nice if one could say he did it with grace and integrity. Recent council meetings really have shown Mayor Young’s true colours. From belittling fellow council member to berating the public.