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LETTER: Short-term rentals hold key to affordable housing

LETTER: Short-term rentals hold key to affordable housing

If the elected officials in Victoria, Sidney, Langford and elsewhere on the Island were serious about tackling the shortage of affordable housing, they would push for an immediate ban on all short-term rentals such Airbnb, VRBO, etc. Doing this would free up units for sale to those wishing to purchase them for their principal residence.
LETTER: COVID reminder carries contradictions

LETTER: COVID reminder carries contradictions

In your Dec. 23 issue you present an editorial reminding us that we may not feel comfortable being around friends and family, and that we may be concerned about spreading COVID to vulnerable family members. You conclude the editorial with a message about how we should keep ourselves safe so that we may come together again in the future.
LETTER: Support for rail line driven by nostalgia

LETTER: Support for rail line driven by nostalgia

In 2011, due to the disrepair of the railway, Via Rail and Southern Railway suspended indefinitely the Dayliner passenger service, the Victoria–Courtenay train. Via and Southern Railway did offer a bus service for several months after the closure, but the service was discontinued the same year as fewer than 10 people a day used their temporary bus service.
LETTER: Dog leash bylaw can’t have partial enforcement

LETTER: Dog leash bylaw can’t have partial enforcement

Re: the letter Saanich goes overboard with animal control.
LETTER: RBCM exhibit’s removal alienates member

LETTER: RBCM exhibit’s removal alienates member

I bought my first membership to the RBC Museum over 30 years ago and still have an old book on plant use by First Nations people which I purchased it then and still greatly value today. My wife and I have lived in Victoria now for over 10 years and are currently annual membership holders. However, it seems that is likely to change with an ill-conceived and poorly executed plan to remove most of the existing museum exhibits with apparently no plan to have replacement exhibits in place.
MLA takes a look back at 2021 in Esquimalt-Metchosin

MLA takes a look back at 2021 in Esquimalt-Metchosin

Mitzi Dean applauds the way people have supported each other in a challenging year
COLUMN: Province improved the ways people get around this year

COLUMN: Province improved the ways people get around this year

MLA Rob Fleming looks back at 2021
Saanich Peninsula business association looks ahead to 2022

Saanich Peninsula business association looks ahead to 2022

Executive director Al Smith proud of how businesses adapted to changing realities through pandemic
Victoria-Beacon Hill MLA reflects on 2021

Victoria-Beacon Hill MLA reflects on 2021

Grace Lore looks back at the accomplishments and challenges of the past year
COLUMN: The word resiliency best sums up 2021, says agriculture minister

COLUMN: The word resiliency best sums up 2021, says agriculture minister

MLA grateful to be part of the Saanich community