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FINLAYSON: B.C.’s economy has largely healed, thankfully

FINLAYSON: B.C.’s economy has largely healed, thankfully

Over the last 18 months, overall economic production has rebounded, writes Jock Finlayson
The best of times, the worst of times

The best of times, the worst of times

During these tumultuous times, it is easy to forget how blessed we truly are
With eggnog only: Terrible Christmas movies you’ll want to avoid this season

With eggnog only: Terrible Christmas movies you’ll want to avoid this season

North Island Gazette editor Tyson Whitney watched these ‘classics’ so you don’t have to
LETTER: Saanich pushes problems down the road

LETTER: Saanich pushes problems down the road

It’s interesting how Saanich Mayor Fred Haynes is stating the CAO position is tied to the election cycle, and as such, is justifying the delay of appointing a new CAO until November 2022.
LETTER: Parkland pride is alive and well

LETTER: Parkland pride is alive and well

My son played junior and senior basketball at Parkland Secondary in the ’90s. He now coaches a high school team and they recently played the Parkland junior team at his old stomping ground. It was fun for me to return to the gym where I spent so many hours watching him play.
LETTER: A modern-day Nero

LETTER: A modern-day Nero

Fiddling while Rome burns. The meaning: To occupy oneself with unimportant matters and neglect priorities during a crisis.
LETTER: Walk in the park tarnished by off-leash dog

LETTER: Walk in the park tarnished by off-leash dog

I just returned from a walk around the base of Mount Douglas from my Gordon Head home. During that walk, I passed several dogs on leashes with owners who had full control of their pets – often pulling aside as I passed and exchanging pleasant greetings.
LETTER: Recipe for peace on earth

LETTER: Recipe for peace on earth

All the ingredients already exist: the most horrific, devastating, and bitter; and the most miraculous, magical, and sweet. Everything and all possibilities are just waiting for us to pick and harvest and carry home to our heart pantry. It all depends on the ingredients we choose to stock in our soul kitchens and cook with.
LETTER: Royal BC Museum a monument to colonialism

LETTER: Royal BC Museum a monument to colonialism

The Royal British Columbia Museum announced that soon the insidious shrine to colonialism known as “Becoming B.C.” will be dismantled to aid the cause of “decolonization.”
LETTER: Vaccine passports not effective without scanning

LETTER: Vaccine passports not effective without scanning

Does the B.C. vaccine passport make you feel more secure when you go to a restaurant, pub or event? Well, if your QR code is not scanned you might want to think about going somewhere else.