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LETTER: Student dropoff/pickup area needed at KELSET school

LETTER: Student dropoff/pickup area needed at KELSET school

Re: Study identifies congestion near KELSET school as a major concern (News Review, May 13)
LETTER: Ivy strangling the life out of local trees

LETTER: Ivy strangling the life out of local trees

There is a visible enemy attacking trees and native plants. It is an invasive scourge called ivy. It is slowly taking over our parks and yards. It spreads rapidly and is smothering plants on the ground and strangling trees. It effects the economy and human health.
LETTER: Brief hospital experience made better by work of nurses

LETTER: Brief hospital experience made better by work of nurses

It was International Nurses week recently and I had occasion to be a guest for a day surgery in the Saanich Peninsula Hospital during that time.
LETTER: Access to shoreline important in Spewhung/Turkey Head discussions

LETTER: Access to shoreline important in Spewhung/Turkey Head discussions

Re: Future of Turkey Head shouldn’t be decided behind closed doors (Oak Bay News Letters, May 13)
OPINION: B.C.’s tourism and hospitality sector desperately needs a restart plan

OPINION: B.C.’s tourism and hospitality sector desperately needs a restart plan

Pandemic’s trickle-down impact is particularly large and insidious at a local and community level
LETTER: Supportive housing needs to be spread across Greater Victoria

LETTER: Supportive housing needs to be spread across Greater Victoria

People in need of supportive housing are our brothers and sisters, they are our sons and daughters, and in some cases they are our mothers and fathers. They are for the most part folks from our community who have experienced some difficulties and are in need of a helping hand. We need to welcome some of them to the Peninsula and be grateful that we have the means and opportunity to help people in need transition to a better future.
LETTER: Supportive housing addresses a growing community need

LETTER: Supportive housing addresses a growing community need

I am writing as a former minister of mental health and addiction in Manitoba and as a current resident of Central Saanich in support of the supportive housing and affordable housing initiative on Prosser Road.
LETTER: Name change erases contribution of man who made campground possible

LETTER: Name change erases contribution of man who made campground possible

I read the story about the name change of the McDonald Campground to SMONECTEN with some degree of sadness.
LETTER: Lock up the drug dealers

LETTER: Lock up the drug dealers

Our legal system is in part to blame for the increasing street drug problem. The system is too weak to do a proper job of curtailing the supply and sale of drugs.
MLA REPORT: Adam Olsen encourages all residents to get vaccinated

MLA REPORT: Adam Olsen encourages all residents to get vaccinated

Adam Olsen is MLA for Saanich North and the Islands