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LETTER: Good governance rests with the voters

LETTER: Good governance rests with the voters

Re: “Greater Victoria governance needs an overhaul.” The letter writers’ observations about the dysfunctional municipal governance in Greater Victoria are spot on. However, the responsibility to “straighten out this mess” does not fall to the provincial government, but to the electorate themselves.
LETTER: Government must rein in Victoria Airport Authority

LETTER: Government must rein in Victoria Airport Authority

I urge local municipal governments on the Peninsula to try to restrain this unelected out-of-control Victoria Airport Authority.
Wolf: Parksville’s Tagen Marshall inspires others, aims to invest in himself

Wolf: Parksville’s Tagen Marshall inspires others, aims to invest in himself

VIU honour student with spastic quadriplegia cerebral palsy seeks help achieving big dreams
LETTER: Benefits of music programs outweigh the costs

LETTER: Benefits of music programs outweigh the costs

As a grandparent with a child soon to be in SD 61, I have been following recent music program cuts in Victoria. I am pleased that at least band is restored. And as a former district music supervisor in Prince George; program director of the Kennedy Center’s National online Arts Education website,; former B.C.
LETTER: More oversight needed for airport authority

LETTER: More oversight needed for airport authority

It boggles the rational mind how Victoria Airport Authority (VAA) can get away without a formal and detailed environmental impact statement prior to marching forth with this warehouse development.
LETTER: Dogs need a space to run free

LETTER: Dogs need a space to run free

This is directed at the writers who were urging Saanich to keep dogs on leash or away from Mt. Doug and Cadboro Bay beach. I am really sorry that you encountered rambunctious dogs who were not being properly managed by their owners. Dogs are allowed off-leash if they are under the control of their owners – and clearly these were not. However, I am asking Saanich not to take away off-leash privileges from all dogs and their owners.
FINLAYSON: 3 takeaways from the new B.C. budget

FINLAYSON: 3 takeaways from the new B.C. budget

‘Perhaps most notable is what’s happened in the labour market since last spring’
LETTER: First responders shouldn’t have to wait for vaccines

LETTER: First responders shouldn’t have to wait for vaccines

I think it is unacceptable for first responders to have to wait for leftover vaccines.
LETTER: Confrontation shows need for solution in the woods

LETTER: Confrontation shows need for solution in the woods

The anger and frustration hatefully unleashed by industry workers on Indigenous land defenders at the Walbran Watch camp last week, speaks directly to the urgent need for government to invest public funding towards a just transition strategy that supports workers and communities to get off old-growth logging.
LETTER: Switch to fibre optic carries consequences

LETTER: Switch to fibre optic carries consequences

Telus is forcing everyone in our neighbourhood to adopt their high fibre optic cable. While this will likely provide an improvement/upgrade for internet and TV service, the main reason for it is it saves Telus money. This is, however, a huge step backwards in emergency preparedness for our rural community.