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GUEST COLUMN: A strategy for forests that benefits all British Columbians

GUEST COLUMN: A strategy for forests that benefits all British Columbians

Industry, union leaders seek balance on old-growth preservation
COLUMN: Island Health solemnly reflects upon the fifth anniversary of opioid crisis

COLUMN: Island Health solemnly reflects upon the fifth anniversary of opioid crisis

A record 1,724 people in B.C. died in 2020
LETTER: Amalgamation would pave way for better transportation system

LETTER: Amalgamation would pave way for better transportation system

Thirteen municipalities do not appear to contribute to a cohesive, cooperative area-wide transportation system because progress is seemingly minimal.
LETTER: Installation a fitting tribute to Oak Bay wildlife painter

LETTER: Installation a fitting tribute to Oak Bay wildlife painter

Oak Bay council normally hears from me when I am complaining about something, and I thought for once, especially now, they should receive some praise and good news.
LETTER: Garden space forces others to the sidelines

LETTER: Garden space forces others to the sidelines

I would like to make a comment about the planned changes to the small grassy lot behind the children’s club on Lucille Drive.
LETTER: Victoria’s winter was par for the course

LETTER: Victoria’s winter was par for the course

I have just analyzed the last winter’s climate, taken here as from November to March inclusive. Beginning with November, as compared to the long-term normals for Victoria Airport, conditions were about average and close to the average total precipitation fell.
LETTER: Pickleball nothing to complain about

LETTER: Pickleball nothing to complain about

So many people love the game of pickleball. Others complain about it.
LETTER: Building bike lanes as the downtown crumbles

LETTER: Building bike lanes as the downtown crumbles

I am writing to express my disagreement with the Richardson Street bike lane plan. First, I feel we are trapped in the clutches of a mayor who is what you might choose to call a ‘bike bigot.’
COLUMN: Autism acceptance, not autism awareness

COLUMN: Autism acceptance, not autism awareness

Elizabeth Sparling is the mother of a 24-year-old son with Autism Spectrum Disorder
LETTER: Let neighbouring properties encroach on Saanich park

LETTER: Let neighbouring properties encroach on Saanich park

In regards to the article on what to do with Houlihan Park. Just a suggestion, but what if each property owner adjacent to Houlihan Park extended their fence into the park. It’s a long-standing tradition in our part of Gordon Head and, the best thing is, the bylaw department won’t enforce the bylaw.