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LETTER: Little guy left out of Langford development process

LETTER: Little guy left out of Langford development process

The recent article on Langford’s development process tells only half the story. We realize there is an Official Community Plan for every city. We realize people planning to buy in Langford should check this out as well as the zoning.
SCIENCE MATTERS: Easy way out for wildlife conservation isn’t what it appears

SCIENCE MATTERS: Easy way out for wildlife conservation isn’t what it appears

By David Suzuki
LETTER: Time change frustration

LETTER: Time change frustration

Despite that 93 per cent of B.C. survey recipients voted to end the twice-annual time change, again we must all endure this negative occurrence once again, seemingly no closer than we were in September 2019. This occurrence has been repeatedly linked to car crashes, as well negative medical conditions ranging from sleep issues to heart attacks.
LETTER: Johnson Street Bridge plaza an accident waiting to happen

LETTER: Johnson Street Bridge plaza an accident waiting to happen

The so-called “Plaza” is an ill-advised blind spot and distraction for both cyclists and drivers who are attempting to safely navigate the eastern approach to the Johnson Street Bridge.
LETTER: Masks can’t overshadow rights

LETTER: Masks can’t overshadow rights

In response to Wendy Ewing’s letter “Masks should be worn outside,” I think she needs to be reminded that her fellow townsfolk’s rights and freedoms don’t end where her fears begin.
LETTER: Issue at YYJ flies under the radar

LETTER: Issue at YYJ flies under the radar

I read, with interest, your article on the issue of Victoria International Airport Authority/Nav Canada spending $4.3 million on an unusable extension.
LETTER: Victoria council has overseen deterioration of Beacon Hill Park

LETTER: Victoria council has overseen deterioration of Beacon Hill Park

What once was a calming respite from the surrounding city, a place of beauty and quiet reflection for both visitors and citizens, has become under thoughtless city leadership, a cultural disgrace.
LETTER: Amalgamation with Victoria: a tale of two cities or one?

LETTER: Amalgamation with Victoria: a tale of two cities or one?

Saanich residents may have noticed the March 1 report on the next steps for our Citizen’s Assembly (CA). As directed in the ballot question of October 2018, this will be to explore the costs, benefits and disadvantages of the possible amalgamation of the District of Saanich and the City of Victoria.
OPINION: Helping a 97-year-old man get his COVID vaccination appointment

OPINION: Helping a 97-year-old man get his COVID vaccination appointment

Call centre inundated with 1.7 million calls while there are just 50,000 folks over 90 in B.C.
LETTER: Tax hike highlights municipal waste

LETTER: Tax hike highlights municipal waste

I read in the Goldstream Gazette that View Royal residents are getting a 4.5 per cent tax hike this year.